Talking about Tatoos

last edited Nov. 22, 2022, 2:34 p.m. by Steve

1-11 Clothing & Adornment


Conversations about tatoos. Some more details at the end of the Interviews about clothing recordings.


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How tatoos are done
last edited Nov. 22, 2022, 2:34 p.m. by Steve

Orthographic text

pengut umum obob o mut etesi ogwa obob umum ogoo pigisi eb ilib eb yab wi ala hogu palibong hogu palibasi waigom neleb yab yabi wi olot

Checked words in lexicon: 52%

Ulumo - method of tattoos
last edited Nov. 22, 2022, 2:34 p.m. by Steve

Orthographic text

nim pengut matom matom obob otob libi om nim ombul ina undiseb eb igugund pengut obob igugund eb ebi ombo pigeb wa teb igugund yabi mosogut pigeb igugund mosogut pigeb ombo pigeb lain pigeb om ilib bongoleb yab ogoo ilib mut eteb igugund eteb igugund ogoo ogwa ogoo tolob wam ogoo tolob hogu egeleb pigwasi waigom eleb igugund waigom ilati wi ala siloogum hes nom neleb igugund om hobol minda nom egee angom nim ombul undiseb nogi pengut om tatagum hot nelemind yam tatagum nolot inda nolot ilib enn nolom

su yoog nagama yam o wig? wig su yoog pugum ombo endetenn lum nagand yam long soampim samting ol sutim long dispela ig omonn tatagum omonn mu neleb igung ogoo toloomung yoog omonn nom ebebi endetenn his yogooma pigong yam siloogum annee lumang yam ig ogoo toloomung yoog eneng ogoo nang yam nil obob his hogu lomoteb igung his ombo lomosusu silogum neleb igung waigim alaga lometis siloogum neleb igung

silloogum om diwai? nogat em soa

inda mot waigom siloogum wi ala sigig neleb igung

Checked words in lexicon: 42%