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Write the phrase here. Phrases involving verbs should use the 1s future conjugation
Linked word
aganim, warm myself, "warm myself" - verb
agulubinim, to slip or come loose, "to slip or come loose" - verb
alatugenim, to get ready, "to get ready" - verb
alugutinim, to uproot plural, "to uproot plural" - verb
alulominim, to have a seizure, "to have a seizure" - verb
aluwenim, to twist in pain, "to twist in pain" - verb
aminim, to speak, "to speak" - verb
asenim, to loosen ground for planting, "to loosen ground for planting" - verb
atenim, to chew, "to chew" - verb
booloogatenim, to rub or smear, "to rub or smear" - verb
bubiginim, to stand lightly, "to stand lightly" - verb
ebegenim, to hold, "to hold" - verb
ebenim, to get, "to get" - verb
ebetenim, to question, "to question" - verb
egemetenim, split in many pieces, "split in many pieces" - verb
eleminim, to happen, "to happen" - verb
embenim, to prepare food, "to prepare food" - verb
enim, to make, "to make" - verb
esinim, to give to first person, "to give to first person" - verb
etenim, to cook, "to cook" - verb
etetenim, tie to 2 sides, "tie to 2 sides" - verb
hagalaminim, to mimic, "to mimic" - verb
haganim, cry out in pain, "cry out in pain" - verb
haganim, carry person on shoulders, "carry person on shoulders" - verb
hagatenim, to support with a stick, "to support with a stick" - verb
haliminim, to swell, "to swell" - verb
haluminim, to wipe or rub away, "to wipe or rub away" - verb
hanatenim, to scrape, "to scrape" - verb
hangiminim, to wrap up, "to wrap up" - verb
hebiginim, to split in the middle, "to split in the middle" - verb
heliminim, to sharpen to a point, "to sharpen to a point" - verb
hembetenim, to adopt, "to adopt" - verb
henim, to see, "to see" - verb
henim, to become, "to become" - verb
heselenim, to forbid, "to forbid" - verb
hesenim, to stand, "to stand" - verb
hesiminim, to hang up a pot or attach morota, "to hang up a pot or attach morota" - verb
hibabiginim, to turn, "to turn" - verb
higinim, to cut, "to cut" - verb
hiloguluminim, to stir ashes, "to stir ashes" - verb
hilominim, to lengthen or join, "to lengthen or join" - verb
hiloometenim, cutting all the leaves off a branch, "cutting all the leaves off a branch" - verb
hilumbiginim, to cut out the inside of a bamboo joint, "to cut out the inside of a bamboo joint" - verb
hipundinim, to cut grass, "to cut grass" - verb
hiyoolumetenim, to stab, "to stab" - verb
holometenim, picking off all the leaves, "picking off all the leaves" - verb
hoobuluminim, to dump, "to dump" - verb
hoogoometenim, to throw up, "to throw up" - verb
hoosuguluminim, to rekindle, "to rekindle" - verb
hosulumoomung, to stand plural, "to stand plural" - verb
humeeluminim, to tie together, "to tie together" - verb
hungutenim, to smash, "to smash" - verb
huwenim, to fight, "to fight" - verb
igisinim, to be there, "to be there" - verb
iguwabiginim, to cover up, "to cover up" - verb
ilinim, to go up, "to go up" - verb
iloominim, tie 2 ropes together into 1 longer piece, "tie 2 ropes together into 1 longer piece" - verb
iminim, to ladle from a pot into bowls, "to ladle from a pot into bowls" - verb
ininim, to lie down, "to lie down" - verb
isinim, to wash yourself, "to wash yourself" - verb
laganim, to fear, "to fear" - verb
lalaminim, to touch, "to touch" - verb
lambiginim, to smoke, "to smoke" - verb
lebenim, to come down, "to come down" - verb
lelaminim, to gently push, "to gently push" - verb
lemenim, to be, "to be" - verb
libinim, to come up, "to come up" - verb
logatenim, to rub, "to rub" - verb
lometinim, to pierce, "to pierce" - verb
loogootenim, clearing underbrush, "clearing underbrush" - verb
lugutinim, to cause stinging sensation, "to cause stinging sensation" - verb
lumbiginim, to pick a fruit stem or hand, "to pick a fruit stem or hand" - verb
lumetenim, to stab, "to stab" - verb
lumetenim, to make a new house, "to make a new house" - verb
luminim, to tie, "to tie" - verb
lutinim, to cover, "to cover" - verb
magabiginim, to lift, "to lift" - verb
magatenim, to peel apart, "to peel apart" - verb
mamaluminim, to open a door, "to open a door" - verb
mandenim, to wander around, "to wander around" - verb
mannabiginim, to lift, "to lift" - verb
mannatenim, to remove skin or bark, "to remove skin or bark" - verb
meleminim, to rest, "to rest" - verb
mengeleminim, to search, "to search" - verb
metuluminim, pull, "pull" - verb
migiminim, to hear, "to hear" - verb
minooluminim, to recall or think about, "to recall or think about" - verb
molumetenim, to work loose, "to work loose" - verb
moogonim, to shove inside or in between, "to shove inside or in between" - verb
moogotenim, to scratch an itch, "to scratch an itch" - verb
muguluminim, to swallow, "to swallow" - verb
mumenim, to cry, "to cry" - verb
nangatenim, to read or to count, "to read or to count" - verb
ndugabiginim, turn off, "turn off" - verb
ndugenim, to lie something down, "to lie something down" - verb
nenim, to work, "to work" - verb
nesinim, to give to second person, "to give to second person" - verb
ninim, to eat, "to eat" - verb
ninimaluminim, to twist, "to twist" - verb
ogootenim, to leave, "to leave" - verb
ogotenim, pour into something, "pour into something" - verb
onduguminim, to arrive, "to arrive" - verb
ooloogootenim, to swim, "to swim" - verb
oongaminim, to yell at, "to yell at" - verb
oongooluminim, to carry at your side, "to carry at your side" - verb
osinim, to give to plural, "to give to plural" - verb
pagabiginim, to break, "to break" - verb
pagatenim, to untie, "to untie" - verb
palibinim, to remove or uproot, "to remove or uproot" - verb
pannabiginim, to tear, "to tear" - verb
pegeenim, to rot, "to rot" - verb
peleeminim, to flower like pitpit, "to flower like pitpit" - verb
pendebiginim, to sell, "to sell" - verb
pibugenim, to wash something, "to wash something" - verb
piginim, to put, "to put" - verb
pipagabiginim, to roll up a rope, "to roll up a rope" - verb
piyanim, to put inside a bag, "to put inside a bag" - verb
poluluminim, to break, "to break" - verb
pooloogotenim, to mount, "to mount" - verb
pooluluminim, tear apart, "tear apart" - verb
poonooguluminim, to open, "to open" - verb
posogotenim, to drill, "to drill" - verb
puguminim, to sit, "to sit" - verb
pululuminim, to tie something, "to tie something" - verb
pundinim, to pick fruit, "to pick fruit" - verb
puniniminim, to lie to, "to lie to" - verb
putugenim, to mark as reserved, "to mark as reserved" - verb
sabugutinim, to skin an animal, "to skin an animal" - verb
salamenim, to follow, "to follow" - verb
salannatenim, to sharpen a stick roughtly, "to sharpen a stick roughtly" - verb
salibinim, to get up, "to get up" - verb
saluminim, to chop in pieces, "to chop in pieces" - verb
satenim, to wash someone, "to wash someone" - verb
sebiginim, to take one thing from a bag, "to take one thing from a bag" - verb
seeminim, to hang a bilum up, "to hang a bilum up" - verb
semetenim, to take everything out a bag, "to take everything out a bag" - verb
senim, to go to the bathroom, "to go to the bathroom" - verb
sennenim, to be born, "to be born" - verb
sibigatenim, to tell someone they can't go, "to tell someone they can't go" - verb
siligitinim, to shave or grate, "to shave or grate" - verb
sindinim, to sew or pierce, "to sew or pierce" - verb
somolumenim, to turn something around, "to turn something around" - verb
sondugenim, to wake someone, "to wake someone" - verb
soogootenim, to remove everything, "to remove everything" - verb
sooguwabiginim, to win, "to win" - verb
soosoogenim, to carry on your head, "to carry on your head" - verb
subabiginim, to go past, "to go past" - verb
susominim, to wait, "to wait" - verb
tebenim, to come from same level, "to come from same level" - verb
tenim, to throw, "to throw" - verb
tetegenim, to shake or shiver, "to shake or shiver" - verb
tetegenim, to shake, "to shake" - verb
tooguwanim, to carry on shoulder, "to carry on shoulder" - verb
tooloominim, to watch, "to watch" - verb
toomaluminim, puncture, "puncture" - verb
tugenim, to sort out, "to sort out" - verb
tuloominim, to look after, "to look after" - verb
ubinim, to plant, "to plant" - verb
umbundinim, to tear up with teeth, "to tear up with teeth" - verb
uminim, to die, "to die" - verb
undinim, to fill or scoop, "to fill or scoop" - verb
usominim, to fix, "to fix" - verb
utinim, to give to third person, "to give to third person" - verb
watetinim, to weave, "to weave" - verb
weliminim, to be visibly excited, "to be visibly excited" - verb
wendenim, to hit, "to hit" - verb
wenim, to shoot, "to shoot" - verb
wombagabiginim, to break, "to break" - verb
wonduluminim, to hit plural objects, "to hit plural objects" - verb
wongoometenim, to germinate, "to germinate" - verb
woombuluminim, to tear apart forcefully, "to tear apart forcefully" - verb
yanim, to go down, "to go down" - verb
yetenim, wall something in, "wall something in" - verb
a: "while" - word
ab: "place" - word
abagam: "front" - word
abaginn: "plants roots being absorbed into the plant" - word
abalam: "type of tree" - word
abalil: "type of rope" - word
abaneel: "thatching rope" - word
abaninnam: "type of cassava" - word
abas: "armpit" - word
abatol: "type of yam" - word
abig: "older aunt" - word
abigeeb: "underneath" - word
abonn: "crazy" - word
abooloom: "female animal" - word
abulusi: "wild beetle nut" - word
agabi: "big" - word
agabisig: "very large" - word
agal: "type of banana" - word
agalam: "to mark for the purpose of" - word
agaloogaloo: "type of rope" - word
aganamung: "type of bean" - word
agangool: "type of rope" - word
agann: "brown tree kangaroo" - word
ahel: "type of root" - word
ala: "ready" - word
alaga: "type of tree" - word
alahal: "type of yam" - word
aleg: "road" - word
alem: "type of tree" - word
alilibee: "type of banana" - word
amag: "type of rope" - word
amalannam: "sister in law" - word
ambelilo: "bent" - word
ambinn: "wild taro" - word
ameey: "type of sugar cane" - word
amel: "ancestor axe" - word
amend: "green tree python" - word
ana: "type of yellow pandanus fruit" - word
anagas: "type of rope" - word
anagul: "edible root" - word
anasee: "type of bamboo" - word
anatool: "type of tree kangaroo" - word
andang: "type of tree" - word
andoogoom: "type of tree" - word
andooloonn: "type of frog" - word
anga: "type of red pandanus fruit" - word
angamand: "type of banana" - word
angoonn: "secondary branch of a yam vine" - word
angum: "rotten" - word
anim: "paternal elder uncle and younger nephew niece" - word
anumboonn: "wild cat" - word
apay: "type of yam" - word
asam: "above" - word
asamog: "morning" - word
asiginn: "type of red pandanus fruit" - word
asinn: "hamlet of tolookum" - word
asugee: "type of yam" - word
atale: "type of banana" - word
atitamb: "type of root" - word
atonn: "accent" - word
bala: "type of taro" - word
balas: "type of greens" - word
balus: "type of yam" - word
bangooy: "type of banana" - word
banooy: "type of banana" - word
beegunn: "stomach" - word
beengu: "type of palm" - word
beeyil: "axe" - word
beleleb: "to draw a bow string" - word
bembiyoonn: "type of tree" - word
benduwa: "type of edible reed" - word
beng: "type of banana" - word
bib: "type of wild bamboo" - word
bili: "good" - word
bina: "beetle" - word
bing: "type of bean" - word
bis: "tag" - word
bolonnom: "spread" - word
bonn: "scatter" - word
boo: "to scatter" - word
boombulumas: "type of bird" - word
bululu: "to fly" - word
bulunoong: "type of banana" - word
bumbuliyam: "type of tree" - word
dalamagut: "type of tree" - word
deteng: "its like that" - word
dugeli: "type of banana" - word
dugulem: "type of sweet potato" - word
dumoom: "type of rope" - word
ebe: "perch" - word
ebee: "type of root" - word
ebeheeya: "type of yam" - word
ebeleneenn: "type of bird" - word
ebelim: "type of tree" - word
ebenam: "return" - word
ebenand: "type of greens" - word
ebendiloom: "type of vine pepper" - word
ebigis: "nearly" - word
ebinnam: "month" - word
ebis: "finger or toe nails or claws" - word
eeg: "now" - word
eehoot: "brown or white tree kangaroo" - word
eeneenn: "mine" - word
egeboonn: "type of bird" - word
egee: "will" - word
egeg: "fast" - word
egembee: "spirit" - word
egemee: "outside" - word
egendee: "slow" - word
egengoo: "ok" - word
egenn: "like that" - word
egile: "type of edible reed" - word
egiloog: "rough" - word
egoonee: "type of rope" - word
egugeg: "type of banana" - word
elagas: "mustard seed" - word
elebeg: "type of greens" - word
eleg: "soft" - word
elele: "type of bird" - word
elelembiya: "type of bird" - word
elemba: "type of yam" - word
elemene: "type of root" - word
elendim: "type of tree" - word
eli: "type of bird" - word
elib: "type of yellow pandanus fruit" - word
elibi: "fast" - word
eliget: "type of banana" - word
elihoonn: "type of yam" - word
elil: "flame" - word
elilibee: "type of banana" - word
eliligas: "type of tree" - word
elilim: "elilim village" - word
eliyas: "type of lizard" - word
elooloo: "funny" - word
emab: "type of yam" - word
embam: "2nd born female" - word
embelengi: "type of bird" - word
embendeli: "type of banana" - word
emesis: "sorry" - word
emi: "pause for thought (end of clause)" - word
emiyab: "grandchild" - word
emiyann: "type of yam" - word
ende: "it is like that" - word
endee: "down below" - word
endegeyee: "type of yam" - word
endet: "like that" - word
endete: "it’s like that" - word
endeteeng: "it’s like that (interjection)" - word
enembee: "monitor lizard" - word
enenee: "home place" - word
eneng: "yourself" - word
eng: "telling me off" - word
engee: "for me" - word
eningol: "burned salt leaves that turn hard (edible)" - word
eninnobo: "cloud" - word
eniyas: "red female pig" - word
eniyon: "name of place" - word
enn: "i" - word
ennel: "my" - word
enninnot: "aggressive" - word
enong: "with me" - word
es: "clear" - word
esee: "pandanus fruit" - word
eseelumand: "name of a stream" - word
esigeneng: "right" - word
esigim: "to gather together" - word
esine: "type of bean" - word
etegeneng: "type of tree" - word
etilig: "sick" - word
gabulel: "type of sugar cane" - word
galas: "sweet potato" - word
galenn: "type of rope" - word
gee: "can" - word
gelinoom: "type of tree" - word
genee: "far away" - word
gesibool: "woven bamboo" - word
gesingesi: "type of rope" - word
giliminn: "much" - word
gimoolul: "type of beetle nut" - word
god: "god" - word
golog: "joist" - word
goobunoom: "type of rope" - word
gooloogot: "6 days before or after" - word
goonub: "type of banana" - word
guguloog: "type of rope" - word
guliya: "type of root" - word
gulum: "type of edible reed" - word
gulungalab: "type of bean" - word
gumi: "rubber" - word
guneengunee: "type of bird" - word
gungot: "bee" - word
ha: "deep" - word
habanangul: "white foam on top of water" - word
habandum: "ear" - word
habanel: "rope used to tie leaves to roofing" - word
habas: "armpit" - word
habu: "tobacco" - word
hagaganam: "beard" - word
hala: "type of rope" - word
halem: "son" - word
haleng: "3rd male child" - word
halimoo: "fat" - word
halimum: "type of tree" - word
halugut: "musical instrument" - word
hamangut: "type of bamboo" - word
hambol: "eel" - word
hambugutum: "hammer" - word
hambuhambul: "married man" - word
hambul: "older sibling" - word
hambuma: "big ground wasp with red stinger" - word
hamoogonn: "flying fox" - word
hanagul: "kind of yam" - word
hanamag: "single old man" - word
hanambuli: "papaya" - word
hanandum: "chayote shoot" - word
handu: "snake" - word
hanganann: "great" - word
hanginam: "type of tree" - word
hapooh: "type of cassava" - word
hasibee: "drop trap" - word
hasisil: "mosquito" - word
hatamalugum: "knee" - word
heb: "mountain" - word
hebeehebee: "ground support fence or frame" - word
hebegenee: "mouth" - word
hebigondoo: "small" - word
heel: "fat" - word
heem: "first born son" - word
heemond: "kind of tree" - word
heenn: "smoked" - word
heeyig: "finished" - word
hegeelooboot: "broken with the grain" - word
hegigol: "part of kokoma village" - word
hegil: "itchy hairs" - word
hel: "type of rope" - word
helee: "third female child" - word
heleeleegoo: "dry" - word
heleennee: "dried out like a leaf" - word
heleg: "bland tasting" - word
helegel: "type of bandicoot" - word
helel: "to dry" - word
helennee: "dry" - word
helesil: "female black pig with brown stripes" - word
heligot: "light weight" - word
helis: "shield" - word
hem: "bow" - word
hemannand: "liver" - word
hendib: "bow string" - word
henee: "base" - word
heneegoo: "the bottom stick of a fence" - word
henembee: "big lizard" - word
henenee: "local" - word
heni: "close by" - word
heniyas: "light brown female pig" - word
hes: "blood" - word
hesegenee: "kangaroo" - word
hesil: "soot" - word
hesiloo: "forbidden" - word
hetalee: "type of banana" - word
hetee: "to come and arrive" - word
hetemesil: "snail" - word
hi: "with a knife" - word
hig: "stealthily" - word
higabulog: "thorny" - word
higabuloo: "serrated" - word
higitunn: "picture or video" - word
himandann: "type of chinese taro" - word
himbee: "type of chinese taro" - word
himul: "root" - word
hina: "type of banana" - word
hingama: "to break plural things" - word
hinom: "war" - word
his: "fruit" - word
hisog: "full" - word
hisu: "flower" - word
hiyagom: "reed" - word
hiyam: "sugar cane" - word
hiyol: "part of something" - word
hiyoobugum: "new shoots from seed or root" - word
hiyoot: "spear" - word
hobogol: "door" - word
hobol: "talk" - word
hogog: "sleep" - word
hogoonat: "takes a long time to mature" - word
hogot: "pig" - word
hogu: "skin" - word
hogulo: "like" - word
hogumam: "a kokoma hamlet" - word
hoguwob: "yellow" - word
hohoma: "kokoma village" - word
hol: "tail" - word
holoogob: "argue" - word
holoogul: "strong" - word
holoomot: "fern" - word
holot: "torch" - word
hom: "again" - word
hombombuwa: "kombumbua village" - word
homongot: "head" - word
homoogob: "hold in mouth" - word
hongonn: "mountain" - word
hongoow: "knot that a bow string sits on" - word
honn: "a day" - word
honnot: "clean" - word
honobugut: "autumn" - word
honom: "house post (without fork)" - word
honot: "razor" - word
hoobool: "a not so steep hilly area" - word
hoogoot: "hidden" - word
hoohenee: "shoulder" - word
hooloog: "sweet" - word
hooloogat: "wild" - word
hooloomband: "type of banana" - word
hoombool: "eel" - word
hoomee: "yesterday" - word
hoomoom: "uncle (mother’s side)" - word
hoomoonn: "behaviour" - word
hoomulum: "testicles" - word
hoomunee: "bread fruit" - word
hoondool: "side" - word
hoonee: "type of banana" - word
hoongis: "type of sweet potato" - word
hoongoonn: "summit" - word
hoongulee: "type of banana" - word
hooniyah: "kind of pepper tree" - word
hoosa: "footprint" - word
hoosoot: "brown" - word
hoosugunol: "jaw" - word
hootugunee: "sky" - word
hootugut: "burned log" - word
hoowug: "smoke" - word
hoowul: "3 days before or after" - word
hoowumb: "crab" - word
hooyom: "understanding" - word
hosoobiyag: "cucumber" - word
hosugunam: "termite" - word
hosum: "closed" - word
hosumee: "alone" - word
hot: "bone" - word
hotoogot: "post" - word
hotu: "worm" - word
hotugulum: "shiny crap fly" - word
hubi: "spirit" - word
hubil: "semen" - word
hubilot: "slippery" - word
hubugum: "new shoot" - word
hugesim: "type of rat" - word
hugul: "a sprout" - word
hulag: "a quick and easy fence of sticks" - word
huleegi: "sugar glider" - word
huligog: "long" - word
hulil: "dog" - word
hulinam: "darkness" - word
huloogum: "base of something" - word
hulub: "cassowary" - word
hulum: "flat area" - word
hulumbihim: "type of rat" - word
hum: "nothing" - word
humann: "empty" - word
humbugut: "large tree kangaroo" - word
humee: "top of something" - word
humul: "big bush" - word
humum: "brain" - word
hundum: "black female pig" - word
hungumog: "blue" - word
hunn: "louse" - word
hunu: "type of tree" - word
hus: "banana" - word
hutam: "one" - word
hutamboo: "together" - word
hutee: "indefinate article" - word
huwala: "barbed arrow" - word
huwam: "cooking pot" - word
huwaminn: "airborne ashes" - word
huwandilinn: "bluebird" - word
huwandinn: "knot" - word
huwaninn: "sun" - word
huweey: "venom" - word
huwolot: "torch" - word
huwom: "father (position)" - word
huwoonn: "type of frog" - word
i: "unknown aspect" - word
ib: "poop" - word
iba: "under" - word
ibatut: "type of yam" - word
ibib: "to want to see someone" - word
ibigut: "yam vine" - word
ibiguwol: "loin cloth" - word
ibilag: "type of yam" - word
ibilin: "type of sweet potato" - word
ibilut: "older sister" - word
ibindum: "vagina" - word
iboogol: "ancestral trousers" - word
iboogut: "rope of the yam" - word
ibool: "older brother" - word
iboowul: "type of lizard" - word
ig: "we" - word
igagum: "cat" - word
igeendum: "stag beetle" - word
igel: "our" - word
igi: "type of tree" - word
igibe: "type of bean" - word
igilimut: "type of bamboo" - word
igindunn: "swimming goggles" - word
igitomboo: "to keep something in mind" - word
igom: "life" - word
igoom: "fresh living" - word
igubasabas: "ancestor" - word
igugooloo: "funny" - word
igugum: "coal from the fire" - word
iguwam: "ant" - word
ilal: "owl" - word
ilam: "greens" - word
ilil: "side of mountain" - word
ilinn: "fingers or toes" - word
ilis: "root" - word
ilool: "pain" - word
ilu: "like" - word
iluta: "type of rope" - word
imbulee: "aggression" - word
imengis: "kokoma dialect" - word
imi: "hair" - word
imigoo: "below" - word
imigoonn: "it is there downstream" - word
iminog: "hairy" - word
imom: "south" - word
imomboo: "downstream" - word
imus: "type of taro" - word
ina: "mother" - word
inalee: "dream" - word
inandum: "greens" - word
inann: "shame" - word
inda: "father" - word
indugeli: "type of banana" - word
induham: "type of yam" - word
ineehinee: "a small green bird" - word
ingis: "elilim village" - word
ingitom: "wart" - word
ingundunn: "mirror" - word
ingunn: "cold place" - word
inguweli: "type of bird" - word
iningitog: "shiny" - word
ininn: "type of eel" - word
inom: "go through" - word
inoowul: "holiday" - word
isa: "bottom of something" - word
isig: "old" - word
isigoo: "in the middle" - word
isim: "middle" - word
isom: "north" - word
isomboo: "upstream" - word
isoog: "type of bird" - word
isoogom: "top plate" - word
isugula: "spill" - word
itup: "type of yam" - word
iyoo: "see ya" - word
laboowul: "type of banana" - word
lagaga: "ripe" - word
lamu: "type of sweet potato" - word
langipeleg: "type of rope" - word
lelegis: "stoney" - word
lendiginn: "type of red pandanus fruit" - word
libinog: "quickly or strongly" - word
ligilog: "green" - word
lilimoo: "type of banana" - word
limonn: "1st born girl" - word
linim: "alternate spelling for ilinim" - word
linimba: "changing color" - word
lobom: "4 days before or after" - word
logolo: "dry place" - word
logoo: "to rake" - word
lolomb: "next to" - word
loogooloobool: "wild beetle nut" - word
loogooloom: "type of tree" - word
loogoom: "red" - word
loogooneeng: "straight" - word
loogut: "wild yam" - word
loolom: "side of a mountain" - word
loomug: "type of yam" - word
lugunim: "type of rope" - word
luloonn: "cassowary" - word
lumeb: "kind of tree" - word
lunamond: "ridge east of kokoma" - word
lunamoond: "place name" - word
mabab: "type of yam" - word
mabal: "type of banana" - word
mabilool: "type of tree" - word
mabumabug: "type of tree" - word
mag: "group (relationship term)" - word
magul: "necklace" - word
maham: "wild beetle nut" - word
mahuwoom: "type of lizard" - word
malum: "weak" - word
mamagum: "place birds wash" - word
mamal: "banana flower" - word
mamuni: "grated taro" - word
manamel: "type of banana" - word
manamet: "type of banana" - word
manamunee: "type of tree" - word
mandagas: "type of leaf" - word
mandangus: "ebesil village" - word
manipu: "type of rope" - word
mannam: "type of frog" - word
manub: "type of vine pepper" - word
masagil: "rubbish" - word
masani: "type of bamboo" - word
matat: "bent" - word
mbenginann: "type of bird" - word
mebil: "ancestral hat" - word
mee: "something" - word
meega: "type of tree" - word
meegeebool: "type of bird" - word
meemiya: "broth" - word
meesinal: "new shoot from stump or side of the plant" - word
meesingoot: "black beetle that lives under logs" - word
meesiso: "stomach area" - word
meey: "young male" - word
megel: "chest armour" - word
megengiyeel: "dry (past ripe stage)" - word
megilan: "magilon village" - word
megilen: "type of taro" - word
megilonn: "magilon village" - word
meginee: "inside" - word
meginn: "type of red pandanus fruit" - word
megite: "what" - word
megitet: "how many" - word
mehamonn: "work" - word
mel: "tongue" - word
melege: "armour" - word
melene: "debt" - word
melil: "blur" - word
melulee: "type of edible reed" - word
meme: "something" - word
memeleegenann: "type of bird" - word
memengele: "type of lizard" - word
memi: "bushes" - word
mena: "food" - word
menawann: "greens (generic)" - word
mendee: "middle part of something" - word
mendegi: "cockatoo" - word
mendenn: "younger brothers" - word
mendi: "type of banana" - word
mendigam: "little finger" - word
mendiloonn: "type of rope" - word
mengimam: "type of bird" - word
mengimengim: "type of bird" - word
menib: "type of rope" - word
menibeebee: "house fly (attracted to food)" - word
meningula: "wild beetle nut" - word
menn: "face" - word
menu: "type of wild palm" - word
mes: "type of beetle nut" - word
mesag: "first" - word
meseheenn: "type of bird" - word
mesehenn: "carefully" - word
mesil: "cold infection" - word
mesiloo: "tasty" - word
mesimoond: "type of tree" - word
mesinn: "type of bird" - word
mesinol: "shoot on a stem" - word
mesinoom: "expectation or anticipation or hope" - word
mesipee: "nostril" - word
mesisoo: "belly" - word
meteepila: "small black bat" - word
metehilahil: "type of frog" - word
metembee: "type of banana" - word
milihi: "lightning" - word
milihigee: "lightning" - word
miloom: "type of tree" - word
mim: "top of a yam" - word
mimilu: "type of red pandanus fruit" - word
mimindugunn: "type of tree" - word
mimingus: "earthquake" - word
miminn: "type of rope" - word
minda: "possession" - word
mindaminda: "possessions" - word
mindilum: "type of yam" - word
minee: "hungry" - word
misee: "happy" - word
misen: "type of bird" - word
misis: "type of cassava" - word
mogog: "beetle nut" - word
mohis: "man" - word
moloomunn: "man" - word
molumb: "type of tree animal" - word
mom: "breast" - word
momot: "ditch" - word
mond: "type of tree" - word
mondog: "leaf" - word
mondu: "piece of something" - word
monduguwa: "friends (plural)" - word
mondutu: "small piece of something" - word
monguwa: "catepillar" - word
moo: "friend of the same language" - word
mooboogootoom: "wild yam" - word
moobugol: "wing" - word
moodooguwa: "people of the same language" - word
moogol: "small valley" - word
moogom: "who" - word
moogoopool: "type of yam" - word
moogooyee: "wallaby" - word
moogut: "garden" - word
moohul: "joint" - word
mooloo: "black male pig" - word
mooluguloom: "type of tree" - word
moolumb: "white tree kangaroo" - word
moom: "type of banana" - word
moomalem: "type of rope" - word
moombooba: "type of wild bamboo" - word
moomooyam: "type of tree" - word
moomulee: "male animal" - word
moomunn: "not ripe" - word
moondoomund: "small intestine" - word
moondoonn: "type of tree" - word
moongooloom: "bamboo smoking pipe" - word
moongoondoonn: "type of yam" - word
moongungum: "type of tree" - word
moonunam: "tiny bug that flies and bites" - word
mooseegee: "kind of bird" - word
mooseginann: "type of bird" - word
moosoobagang: "type of banana" - word
moosugog: "generic name for trap" - word
moosugut: "saliva while in the mouth" - word
moosuguwog: "big name trap" - word
mootat: "type of tree" - word
mootoohul: "tip of something" - word
mootool: "rodent" - word
mootoomboo: "first" - word
mootooya: "type of bird" - word
mosomoto: "inside wall in house" - word
mosugut: "spit" - word
mot: "group" - word
motom: "shoot" - word
motugol: "beak" - word
mu: "not" - word
muginam: "type of tree" - word
muginn: "type of sweet potato" - word
mugoo: "type of edible reed" - word
mugumee: "younger sister" - word
mugunee: "type of tree" - word
muguwoo: "type of lizard" - word
mul: "the handle of a soosoogoogwa" - word
mulilim: "edge" - word
mulinee: "lying" - word
mulis: "rain fly" - word
mulunn: "post supporting the ridge beam" - word
mum: "type of bird" - word
mumul: "dull" - word
mumunn: "not ripe" - word
munagum: "sister" - word
munamb: "type of root" - word
mundil: "back" - word
munduloot: "type of bird" - word
mungubam: "type of rope" - word
mungumat: "type of root" - word
mungutee: "type of yam" - word
munob: "brother" - word
munobag: "brothers plural (from female perspective)" - word
munum: "seed" - word
musimoonn: "type of sweet potato" - word
musisi: "type of red pandanus fruit" - word
musom: "eye" - word
musoobugut: "type of tree" - word
musu: "thoughts" - word
musugubol: "shame" - word
musumoonn: "type of rope" - word
musumootoo: "inner bamboo wall" - word
musumul: "whiskers" - word
mut: "fire" - word
mutol: "mushroom" - word
mutool: "type of sugar cane" - word
mutunnam: "honey bee" - word
nagig: "grub" - word
nagub: "type of tree" - word
naloogonn: "hamlet of ebesil" - word
nambonn: "type of bird" - word
nami: "small piece of pig testicle" - word
namig: "to stay at home" - word
namsug: "a place near womunee" - word
namsugoogooneeee: "place name" - word
namulum: "seed" - word
nandoot: "steam" - word
nandugund: "wild yam" - word
nandulum: "a week from now or last week" - word
nangisim: "type of sugar cane" - word
nangoomool: "type of bamboo" - word
nann: "fourth male child" - word
nannand: "fourth female child" - word
nasim: "mother" - word
ndeenang: "type of snake" - word
ndoobulab: "koniak tree" - word
ndoondoonnal: "big fat tree moss colony" - word
ndugandum: "many children" - word
nebinee: "recently fallowed garden area" - word
neboogool: "wild yam" - word
nege: "that place" - word
neningam: "shell necklace " - word
neniyoom: "type of tree" - word
nesonn: "tight" - word
nibinib: "small tight moss" - word
nim: "tree" - word
nimbann: "type of root" - word
ningilim: "type of tree" - word
ningol: "the part of a leaf" - word
ninil: "flaky skin" - word
ninilog: "covered in flakey skin" - word
ninimbul: "dirty" - word
ninimee: "echidna" - word
niningat: "to count" - word
ninnam: "type of cassava" - word
ninniyas: "poor mans rags" - word
nisil: "day before yesterday" - word
nog: "with" - word
nogoonoong: "with you" - word
nom: "that" - word
nomboo: "there" - word
nomol: "water" - word
nong: "telling you off" - word
nonol: "burnt hair or flakes" - word
nonot: "hot" - word
noobug: "bird" - word
noog: "with him or her" - word
noogul: "correct" - word
nooluwam: "white belly" - word
noomonn: "that specifically" - word
noomoongoonn: "type of rat" - word
noomul: "kind of fern" - word
noonn: "you" - word
noonnol: "yourself" - word
noonong: "with you" - word
noonoomoond: "stream" - word
noonoong: "with you" - word
noonoonn: "mark" - word
noosonn: "tightened" - word
noowut: "belly" - word
num: "egg" - word
obo: "bag" - word
obogond: "doorway" - word
obondoo: "spirit" - word
obu: "line up" - word
obugum: "arm" - word
og: "might" - word
ogoo: "to" - word
ogooloo: "like" - word
oguwab: "lime" - word
oguwat: "to come and stay" - word
olog: "again and again" - word
olol: "loose" - word
olot: "black ground bug" - word
olu: "fed up" - word
olugeeb: "bamboo inside a roofing panel" - word
om: "this" - word
ombomboo: "down below near by" - word
ombonni: "therefore" - word
omboo: "reason" - word
ombul: "two" - word
omi: "speech development" - word
omig: "not" - word
omu: "tulip" - word
ondomboo: "where" - word
ondonn: "pile to burn" - word
ong: "telling him off" - word
ongoo: "3s beneficiary word" - word
ongool: "ridge beam" - word
ongulumee: "type of tree" - word
onguma: "type of tree" - word
ongungee: "duck" - word
onn: "he or she" - word
onnol: "his or hers" - word
onootol: "type of tree animal" - word
oo: "long time ago" - word
oobabann: "corner" - word
oobal: "type of beetle nut" - word
oobol: "hole" - word
ooboogoot: "type of rope" - word
oobool: "small ridge" - word
ooboomoond: "type of frog" - word
oobugumam: "sister in law" - word
oobumam: "bicep bracelet" - word
oog: "and" - word
oogi: "also with" - word
oogoobann: "corner of a room" - word
oogooguweg: "type of banana" - word
oogooloom: "type of sugar cane" - word
oogoolumee: "praying mantis" - word
oogoomboot: "older sibling" - word
oogoosuguwi: "type of yam" - word
oogub: "type of tree" - word
oogum: "rapids" - word
ooguwag: "type of edible reed" - word
ooguwalooboot: "broken across the grain" - word
ooguwas: "above a bit" - word
ooguwol: "teenagers" - word
ooguwom: "below a bit" - word
ooguwoob: "type of chinese taro" - word
oolalam: "orphan" - word
oolan: "type of vine pepper" - word
oolesinee: "type of lizard" - word
ooliget: "type of banana" - word
ooloo: "quite" - word
ooloogam: "type of tree" - word
ooloogandoomul: "type of rat" - word
ooloogool: "type of red pandanus fruit" - word
oolooguwo: "long time after" - word
oolooloogoot: "type of tree" - word
oolooloogut: "type of tree" - word
ooloom: "sand" - word
ooloomann: "join between sections" - word
ooloomoom: "type of rope" - word
ooloot: "type of bird" - word
oolum: "type of tree" - word
oom: "type of red pandanus fruit" - word
oomanembeseey: "type of bean" - word
oomas: "up mountain a little" - word
oombalangi: "type of grasshopper" - word
oombas: "up mountain a little" - word
oombee: "crowned pigeon" - word
oombomboo: "down below" - word
oomboogum: "nibbled part" - word
oombool: "type of bean" - word
oombugum: "edible worm that lives at the base of trees" - word
oomomoom: "down there" - word
oomonn: "breath" - word
oomoo: "but" - word
oomoogal: "type of snake" - word
oomoogoonn: "type of bat" - word
oomu: "type of banana" - word
oondoogoond: "plank" - word
oondoogoonn: "type of sugar cane" - word
oondool: "wild yam" - word
oondoom: "type of rope" - word
oondoomeli: "type of tree" - word
oondoonn: "type of snake" - word
oongoom: "type of sugar cane" - word
oongoonguwee: "type of bird" - word
oonnam: "type of bird" - word
oonooboohoot: "jaw" - word
oonoogulee: "type of rope" - word
oonoombiyoo: "type of rope" - word
oonoomboonn: "wild cat" - word
oonoonoom: "type of bamboo" - word
oonoot: "wild bamboo" - word
oonungann: "type of tree" - word
oopee: "walking stick" - word
oopus: "type of banana" - word
oosoogoom: "type of tree" - word
oosugut: "type of frog" - word
oosum: "closed" - word
oosusugat: "type of tree" - word
oosuwoo: "type of red pandanus fruit" - word
oosuwool: "type of frog" - word
ootoobugoom: "type of rope" - word
ootoog: "tame" - word
ootoogool: "type of bandicoot" - word
ootooloomung: "type of red pandanus fruit" - word
ootoom: "strong" - word
osigim: "to gather" - word
osugunol: "jawbone" - word
otol: "bile" - word
pa: "to shoot" - word
pabasil: "bean" - word
pagaginn: "cicada" - word
pagil: "fifth female child" - word
pagum: "mother in law" - word
palug: "type of banana" - word
pamabug: "butterfly" - word
panum: "kind of caterpillar" - word
papala: "type of banana" - word
papel: "type of taro" - word
pasahinann: "type of tree" - word
pasil: "fire starting stick" - word
pasum: "theif" - word
pat: "type of yam" - word
pata: "stopping" - word
pebasil: "bodily fluid found in pig testicle" - word
pebe: "back of knee" - word
pebenoog: "type of rat" - word
pee: "hole" - word
peengut: "type of tree" - word
peg: "clear" - word
pegeenn: "daytime" - word
pegeloom: "type of root" - word
pegesim: "type of tree" - word
pegi: "a game" - word
pelebel: "purlin" - word
peleg: "not yet ripe" - word
pelig: "type of frog" - word
pembee: "edge" - word
pendenn: "grouping of food" - word
pengilam: "type of tree" - word
pengim: "staying away in distance" - word
pengu: "bonus garden space" - word
pengut: "type of plant needle" - word
peninnot: "dry" - word
penn: "a game" - word
pennam: "wedding gift" - word
pesebiyag: "loose dirt" - word
pesehinann: "type of tree" - word
pet: "dawn" - word
pi: "length between bamboo joints" - word
pib: "type of wild palm" - word
pilinn: "bladder" - word
piloolum: "kidney" - word
pimbu: "rope to hang cooking pot" - word
pindoomb: "type of root" - word
pinepin: "basket to dry things over fire" - word
pingot: "dragonfly" - word
pinimbininn: "fern species" - word
pinn: "frog" - word
pinnundulumoo: "type of tree" - word
pinot: "heavy" - word
pisipasil: "type of bird" - word
pisoot: "type of root" - word
pita: "peter" - word
piyag: "rotten" - word
piyam: "ladder" - word
piyoogeleg: "type of red pandanus fruit" - word
piyug: "head water spring" - word
polonn: "naked" - word
pombonn: "warm" - word
pooboogos: "blister" - word
pooha: "type of banana" - word
pool: "wild yam" - word
pooloog: "type of yellow pandanus fruit" - word
pooloogom: "ridge of ebesil" - word
poolooloogut: "type of tree" - word
pooloonn: "mountain ridge" - word
poombilindoom: "type of bird" - word
poomboonn: "1 heat 2 hot place near the fire" - word
poongoongool: "type of tree" - word
poosuwoom: "type of bird" - word
posobiag: "the ground which a rat digs up" - word
pu: "side" - word
pubul: "demolition site" - word
pubunn: "new" - word
pugeepugee: "green tree moss" - word
pugum: "fork" - word
pul: "type of bird" - word
pulam: "body tissue" - word
pulis: "type of tree" - word
pulug: "type of rope" - word
punda: "type of sugar cane" - word
puninimb: "lying" - word
punnu: "to run" - word
pusila: "pusilai village" - word
pusilim: "stone" - word
putul: "rope used to tie roofing to purlins" - word
sa: "a piece" - word
sabalam: "type of yam" - word
sabu: "type of banana" - word
sagal: "type of banana" - word
sagaloomand: "type of bird" - word
salab: "tapioca" - word
salagag: "naked" - word
salaha: "to shave" - word
salamata: "type of tree" - word
sambambal: "firewood bed above the fire place" - word
samenn: "type of root" - word
sanahe: "type of yam" - word
sandil: "shelter" - word
sandumbee: "type of bird" - word
sangaleng: "marriage celebration" - word
sangool: "noise" - word
sann: "type of rope" - word
sasa: "type of frog" - word
sasil: "small hairs" - word
sasu: "type of bird" - word
sasugul: "type of root" - word
sebe: "bed" - word
see: "now" - word
seeleenann: "type of snake" - word
seengeebi: "type of bird" - word
seeseelann: "type of root" - word
seeyool: "type of bean" - word
segegee: "spider" - word
sel: "branch" - word
seleb: "necklace" - word
seleenn: "difficult" - word
selegine: "type of rope" - word
selib: "urine" - word
seligee: "ginger" - word
sembelee: "repeat" - word
semelaneg: "hamlet of ebesil" - word
semi: "type of mushroom" - word
senembig: "top layer" - word
seniyom: "upright stick for a fence" - word
sepil: "a type of weed" - word
sese: "kind of leaf for cleaning pots" - word
sesee: "rope handle" - word
sesilann: "type of taro" - word
sesimee: "last" - word
setli: "type of tree" - word
shet: "skirt" - word
sib: "rain" - word
sibeesibee: "type of tree" - word
sibel: "type of bean" - word
sibelig: "machete" - word
sibesibe: "a kind of drum" - word
sibinag: "broom" - word
sigasig: "to come for a quick visit" - word
sigesig: "land slide" - word
sigig: "colour" - word
sigigog: "patterned" - word
sigoolum: "green leafy plant" - word
sigu: "type of edible reed" - word
sila: "know" - word
silasil: "type of tree" - word
silee: "leech" - word
sili: "grater" - word
silibeg: "type of yam" - word
silibul: "type of tree" - word
siligig: "a mat used to wrap bodies in" - word
siligilim: "wild beetle nut" - word
siliginee: "sweat" - word
silip: "urine" - word
siloogum: "scar" - word
silugum: "new rolled up leaf" - word
simbann: "type of sweet banana" - word
simbinal: "type of tree" - word
simbinandi: "type of bird" - word
simbinn: "type of rope" - word
simbool: "type of yam" - word
simbu: "type of taro" - word
simob: "sago" - word
simonn: "rope" - word
sinasina: "type of banana" - word
sindee: "inside" - word
sindeemunn: "bat" - word
sindi: "swing" - word
sindimunn: "small fruit bat" - word
sindinn: "little bits" - word
sinesine: "long basket for fishing" - word
singilinn: "long lasting" - word
singoongiyoo: "type of bird" - word
singu: "just" - word
singulumab: "type of beetle nut" - word
sinimb: "type of sweet potato" - word
sinnasim: "rat" - word
sinnol: "meat" - word
sinnoob: "type of tree" - word
sinnoom: "type of cricket" - word
sisib: "type of tree" - word
sisibel: "type of yam" - word
sisiguwoo: "type of rat" - word
sisileem: "type of rat" - word
sisim: "belly button" - word
sisiwam: "type of banana" - word
sisiyam: "type of banana" - word
sisu: "wrong" - word
sisug: "hide" - word
sisum: "centipede" - word
sobot: "wet" - word
sog: "leaf" - word
sogot: "mature" - word
somboo: "necklace" - word
songom: "corn" - word
songongulom: "kind of rope" - word
sonn: "to give birth" - word
sonnoo: "bottle cap" - word
soo: "type of sweet potato" - word
soobooloom: "type of yam" - word
soobu: "type of banana" - word
soobulem: "type of sweet potato" - word
soobuli: "type of sweet potato" - word
soogoogoo: "type of wild palm" - word
soogooloom: "type of tree" - word
soogu: "later" - word
soogul: "enough" - word
sooguwa: "new" - word
soohoomb: "type of yam" - word
sooloomoosool: "type of sugar cane" - word
sooloond: "type of root" - word
soomboogool: "hornbill" - word
soombuguwol: "hornbill" - word
soondoo: "type of bird" - word
soongoome: "type of yam" - word
soongoongooloom: "string of flowers or insects" - word
soongoongooneeng: "type of bamboo" - word
soonnoobiya: "type of rat" - word
soosoogoogwa: "string bag" - word
su: "today" - word
suguleboo: "type of banana" - word
sul: "type of tree" - word
sulugann: "type of tree" - word
sunnu: "type of bird" - word
susugubee: "type of green grasshopper" - word
susugul: "type of bird" - word
ta: "short" - word
tabalis: "type of tree" - word
tabil: "bowl" - word
tabulee: "type of frog" - word
tagamalum: "type of tree" - word
tagul: "palm tree" - word
talabag: "thunder" - word
tambanam: "type of tree" - word
tandeng: "short" - word
tangangi: "rafter" - word
tangu: "type of greens" - word
tapeltapel: "type of rope" - word
tas: "taro" - word
tatabinn: "type of tree" - word
tatahal: "overhang" - word
tatugum: "grandfather" - word
tebelim: "type of tree" - word
tee: "here" - word
teengee: "type of tree" - word
teenn: "whole" - word
teesilann: "type of tree" - word
tegebe: "type of wild palm" - word
tegetege: "type of edible reed" - word
teme: "woman" - word
teseme: "adopted" - word
tesilann: "a tree with a large canopy" - word
tesimee: "younger" - word
tetelee: "in between" - word
tikitakum: "a specific sorcerer word" - word
timul: "type of yam" - word
tobugol: "shell" - word
tol: "house" - word
toloo: "jungle" - word
toloogot: "fence" - word
toluhum: "tolookum village" - word
tom: "close" - word
tomb: "fifth male child" - word
tombondoo: "turtle" - word
tomogonn: "name of a ridge" - word
tomond: "grandmother" - word
tondee: "a little" - word
tongunee: "shore" - word
tonguni: "long side of a house" - word
tonom: "5 days before or after" - word
too: "puncture" - word
toogatoog: "the larger "half" of a ridge" - word
toogoobiyann: "type of grass" - word
toogoombiyal: "type of bird" - word
toogoonami: "type of bird" - word
toogoonee: "the river between us and elilim" - word
toogum: "gable end of house" - word
toolooloogoot: "type of tree" - word
toolubee: "type of lizard" - word
toomboogoom: "wild marita or twine" - word
toomoogoonn: "valley" - word
toomoohoot: "type of yam" - word
toomoonn: "salt" - word
toongoonee: "side of house" - word
toongootoom: "type of tree" - word
totol: "evangelist" - word
totulam: "catepillar" - word
tubeg: "type of yam" - word
tuga: "chameleon" - word
tugal: "type of tree" - word
tugel: "woven basket " - word
tuguwa: "lizard " - word
tuhum: "blind" - word
tulum: "roots" - word
tumag: "old lady" - word
tumandag: "old woman" - word
tumbig: "room in house" - word
tumom: "coconut" - word
tumoondum: "type of rat" - word
tumul: "type of rat" - word
tumunn: "hole" - word
tund: "glow bug" - word
tunganam: "old man" - word
tungang: "type of red pandanus fruit" - word
tungulunn: "post" - word
tunnee: "bird of prey" - word
tutub: "small things" - word
tutugulum: "type of tree" - word
tutum: "end of something" - word
tutumul: "cold" - word
tuwo: "grasshopper" - word
tuwolubino: "blanket" - word
ubasim: "bamboo handle of fishing spear" - word
ubiyab: "plenty" - word
ubiyoolee: "plenty" - word
uboobum: "type of tree" - word
ubu: "break" - word
ubugol: "hand of bananas" - word
ubugutum: "type of tree" - word
ugel: "light brown or white male pig" - word
ugi: "rodent" - word
ugum: "mute (person)" - word
ul: "knife" - word
ulee: "python" - word
ulihinn: "decorative flower" - word
uloogut: "type of bamboo" - word
ulu: "pumpkin" - word
ulub: "type of banana" - word
ulugil: "thatching support" - word
ulumbee: "mix colour male pig" - word
ulumbi: "red male pig" - word
ulumbool: "type of palm" - word
ulungul: "headband" - word
ulunn: "type of yam" - word
ulusagal: "nose piercing (white stick or shaved bone)" - word
umam: "a kind of bush rope" - word
umanob: "brother" - word
umbabi: "type of bamboo" - word
umbi: "edible root" - word
umi: "bamboo" - word
umog: "seed or something for planting" - word
umul: "a hunting line" - word
umung: "lizard" - word
undinang: "death adder" - word
undise: "type of tree" - word
undonn: "garden clippings" - word
undum: "child" - word
ungisee: "honey" - word
ungulis: "type of tree" - word
ungunding: "type of sugar cane" - word
unim: "name" - word
unn: "bee" - word
unoow: "type of root" - word
unumbonn: "wild catlike rat critter" - word
usal: "done in a simply funcional way " - word
usebi: "type of tree" - word
usoogom: "top " - word
wa: "type of tree" - word
wandilinn: "type of bird" - word
wangel: "type of rope" - word
waniyam: "type of beetle nut" - word
was: "upper" - word
wasiloo: "type of yam" - word
wata: "a game" - word
watootoo: "rope used to strengthen a structure" - word
wayigom: "sore" - word
webigam: "type of edible reed" - word
weeya: "light brown" - word
weeyindoom: "type of tree" - word
wegelimoonn: "type of bird" - word
wegigee: "type of bird" - word
wegigeneng: "left" - word
wegilu: "type of bird" - word
welinngee: "happy" - word
wembisim: "type of tree" - word
wendom: "type of tree" - word
wene: "type of banana" - word
weneb: "type of tree" - word
wengis: "sea shell" - word
weniyam: "digging stick" - word
wes: "different" - word
wesig: "son or daughter in law" - word
wesilab: "type of yam" - word
wesilag: "type of rat" - word
wesiligam: "type of tree" - word
wi: "finished" - word
wig: "not" - word
wo: "they" - word
wog: "they" - word
wogol: "themselves" - word
wogoolool: "house bearer" - word
wogoonoong: "with them" - word
wolol: "boundary mark of a new garden" - word
wom: "lower" - word
womboo: "down there" - word
womoom: "below" - word
womunee: "ridge east of kokoma" - word
wong: "telling them off" - word
wongoo: "theirs" - word
wonong: "wind" - word
woo: "song" - word
woob: "type of tree" - word
woobol: "good smell" - word
woobug: "bad smell" - word
woog: "side road" - word
woogebe: "house bearer" - word
woogum: "type of bird" - word
wooguwoogum: "type of tree" - word
wooletum: "type of root" - word
wooloob: "the head of a palm tree" - word
woolub: "type of palm" - word
woolum: "type of tree" - word
woomoom: "type of red pandanus fruit" - word
woongu: "type of bird" - word
woongulum: "type of tree" - word
woonoong: "abbreviation of wogoonoong" - word
woonumelel: "type of sweet potato" - word
wooyangal: "type of root" - word
wunn: "black small wasp" - word
yaba: "type of banana" - word
yagam: "second born son" - word
yagugee: "type of snake" - word
yam: "type of banana" - word
yangam: "mango" - word
yannam: "type of bird" - word
yaya: "many" - word
yeb: "batton" - word
yelagam: "type of banana" - word
yelimee: "sorcerer" - word
yelingi: "type of bamboo" - word
yende: "type of red pandanus fruit" - word
yetig: "type of bird" - word
yim: "arrow for birds" - word
yimb: "to serve food from a pot into a bowl" - word
yo: "rambutan" - word
yog: "you" - word
yogob: "fishing spear" - word
yogol: "those two" - word
yogoonoong: "with us" - word
yogumo: "inside" - word
yom: "there" - word
yombonn: "ground" - word
yomboo: "over there" - word
yong: "telling us off" - word
yongoo: "2p beneficiary word" - word
yongum: "wild banana" - word
yonnoo: "stinging nettle" - word
yonnot: "sharp point" - word
yonu: "the other side of a mountain" - word
yoo: "type of tree" - word
yoobug: "grass" - word
yoobume: "type of greens" - word
yoogoob: "a fish or bird arrow" - word
yoogooloom: "penis" - word
yoogoom: "edible reed" - word
yoogoos: "type of tree" - word
yooguwann: "brother in law" - word
yoohal: "side armour" - word
yoolagam: "type of banana" - word
yoolu: "cliff" - word
yoomu: "ashes" - word
yoonnoom: "type of sugar cane" - word
yootum: "type of tree" - word
yoowut: "spear" - word
yosot: "a bad thing" - word
yot: "bad" - word
yotoo: "outside wall" - word
yu: "black" - word
yul: "laugh" - word
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