Orthographic text
1: 0:00:00
(the teacher has gone to the coast, when he comes back he'll teach the kids)
2: 0:00:12
(ingis go, but we grew les of it and we don't go. domol went, but he was les. you guys [monduga] came and he's back. he's going to stay and not do the hard work [of going to school] you guys came. is it a long road? yes it's a long road. there was some bad talk and he left and we don't pay school fees there, the same with gina i told them all i'm not paying school fees there. i said that to gina and took her to school in the nambis and came up. domol went to magilon, but left and then tried in town, but money was short. all my kids are back now, we're going to see what you guys do.)
(how much was magilon school? k20? yes k20, but we were les of going. i was tired of paying and now all my kids are just here. i told the that we'll take the school that you guys are bringing)
(when aiven went to magilon school did he stay there? no aiven is here now. i removed my kids names from the register at the school)
3: 0:02:16
([we're afraid to talk about it]? there was a sorcerer and i told my kid to leave, some women saw and talked about it, they said that and i said to my kids it's going to kill you you should leave, don't go to school. they left and now they are here, aiven, gina and domol are all just here. i told them steve's going to tell us the truth, let's go with that and they aren't at school, we're waiting on you guys)
4: 0:03:01
(yes a big heavy. it killed/struck? them. something about the learning and so my family is waiting for you guys, my talk is true and we're going that way)