History and trends interviews

last edited March 19, 2024, 10:36 a.m. by Rhett

3-1 History & Trends


I asked people a series of questions about historical evens and their opinions on them. People were pretty chatty about the topic so they are long texts. Also, there were a lot of contradictory opinions so there are a lot of texts.

The surveys asked them to compare the past and present for various topics including: Big bush, water, sun, houses, villages, gardens, lifespans, pasin, and work.

A common mistake I made in the interview was pronouncing the word "hoomoonn - behavior or pasin" as "homonn - breath" or even "honom-teeth". That caused confusion more than once.

I also asked their opinions on kiyaps and Lutherans coming. I also asked some of them to tell me their view of history and talk about other historical events.


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Interview about the old days with Kokoma
last edited March 19, 2024, 10:36 a.m. by Rhett

    Speaker: moolulu; sivl; samuwel

Orthographic text

was the big bush in the old days the same as now or different?: 0:00:00
there used to be big bush but now it is just young bush: 0:00:45
is that a good thing or a bad thing? : 0:01:15
it's bad: 0:01:20
why is it bad?: 0:01:35
it used to be full of animals: 0:01:39
is the water today the same or different from the water of before?: 0:01:59
it's kind of different since it used to be colder and dark since it was in the big bush: 0:02:13
i heard there used to be eels: 0:02:54
yeah, big ones. you didn't even have to look for them they were just there for the taking: 0:03:09
so which was better, the old water or today's water?: 0:03:35
the old water, today's water is empty: 0:03:40
was the sun in the old days the same or different?: 0:03:50
the old sun was good and strong, now it rain even in dry season: 0:04:05
so which is better?: 0:05:08
the old sun was better, it could really cook things, this sun is just good enough: 0:05:19
were the old houses the same or different?: 0:05:43
they made ground houses, they were different: 0:05:59
how were they different?: 0:06:13
they made large ground houses and they wrapped them in sul, today we use bamboo: 0:06:18
and the rooves?: 0:06:56
they made them with anabugut sog and we use simob sog: 0:06:59
so which is better?: 0:07:12
the older houses rotted quicker so the modern houses are better: 0:07:23
are your gardens the same or different?: 0:07:43
they didn't build large gardens, they built them with the trees: 0:07:53
did they build fences?: 0:08:03
they did: 0:08:07
so which was better, the old gardens or the new ones: 0:08:11
they used to build small gardens, now we build large ones with lots of food which is better . enough for ourselves and pigs: 0:08:29
were people around for a long time or did they die qiuckley: 0:09:04
they'd get old but a strong sickness would kill them: 0:09:18
is it the same now or different?: 0:09:38
in the middle time we didn't die quickly but now we do: 0:09:48
is one better or worse?: 0:10:07
before it was alright but now we die close to: 0:10:18
was the work from before the same or different?: 0:10:51
it's kind of different: 0:11:00
how is it different?: 0:11:14
they used to be seperate but now we are togeter. we still plant yams : 0:11:18
so which is better?: 0:11:56
it was better before, now we big head and die: 0:12:01
were there more people before or just a few: 0:12:20
there weren't many people, it was big bush: 0:12:37
is now different?: 0:12:47
there's lots of people now: 0:12:50
which is better: 0:12:54
it is better that we have more people: 0:13:00
did the old people have good pasin: 0:13:23
they had good pasin, our grandparents and parents too: 0:13:30
and currently?: 0:13:54
there is some good pasin but lot of bad pasin: 0:14:01
did the grandfathers fight? : 0:14:14
they fought until you (white folks) and then they stopped: 0:14:21
do you fight now: 0:14:33
no: 0:14:35
so wich is better?: 0:14:38
the really old peopl did well, the one's in the middle did bad: 0:15:04
when was the middle?: 0:15:16
the time of the grandfathers, there was a lot of sorcery and warfare. but before that it was good: 0:15:19
when was the old time?: 0:15:40
the great great grandparents and up: 0:15:45
how did the kovol people take this land? (+much internal discussion): 0:16:06
our ancestors had kids and we were here: 0:17:03
were your grandparents here a long time or did they come from elsewhere?: 0:17:26
they came from a different place. we're not sure where, but we say we came from ingis: 0:17:38
did torokum and evisil come from ingis too?: 0:18:29
we don't know. some say we came from kombumbuwa some say from down below some say from above. there are a lot of thoughts: 0:18:51
when you came from ingis, were there other people here already?: 0:19:15
we say that our head people came from kooyakooya, where the tower is, and came here and went to ingis: 0:19:29
were there spirits in the land?: 0:20:14
sivil detailed description, taking the bird house story: 0:20:29

hulum sindee ab oomboo egee agamoot oo agamb i oogootooloob nobug ee oo sinnol nobug mee noom agamemind igitasi mohis lib hig woheb agamoot igita (mohis sould be noobuk) oom wog nobug wob neleb i wo oogoo isoom iluwasi oogootooloob wog ab oogooteleb ilamind oomboo mohis hoom ab oboob agamoot mohis oom ab oboob igita oogooteleb wog hoom tebemind teb hamind mohis igita eb i wog sinnol heleb yamind nobug heleb yamind yooguwasi oogootooloob mohis ab oboob agamoot mohis noom temee nog i molomung og ombul ab oboob agamb i oogootooloob wog undum ombul hutam hamind ombuk hutam hamind oo undum heeyim o ingil undum yagam o huwa undum haleng oom yanging undum ombul endet hamind oo family hoom egee asam oomboo lib mohis agabi helemind, yaya helemind yaya heleb i pusila mondu oogoo ingil familiy noom mondu oogoo yab ab ebemin huwa family noom lib mondutu hiyoomboo igitasi..( iluwasi a) mondu ab oomboo lebemind yaginn family noom ab hiyoomboo igugund undum 3pela noom endeteng agamemind eb endet amoong yam a endet hooyom endeteng ig eb amoong yam amoong yam oo ig isig oom ee hobol mohis egee hobol oboob teb oogoo ilat noom musu oogoo hamoong yam hoo oomboo hutee ilat oomboo oomo tatugum mot hooyom mu helemind mohis onnol noomboo agamoot oogoond yam oogoon yam oomo onn aleg etee hooloot oom soogul bili tugub hooyom wig musu oogoo hoom amoong yam hooya hooya hisoomboo agamb i oong yam tebemind manana mel ibabiguwa ogoootooloob noomboo bo helemind oong yam wes wes bo helemind hobol hum endet amoong yam teb i oom mohis ombul ee kobol og i hobol hog ambul ibool ungee tebemind yab i hutee goosebi hiyoomboo teb i ungee egee oogootooloot o ibool teb i ogulugee eb womboo liboot yab i oom wom teb i teb ingis igitee yab i noow oomboo yat yab igita hobol hoo egee angoom endet eb noobug wog ooloogot heleb iguwasi mohis noom ab oboob agamb i family es sonduguloot es sondugula mohis agabi heleb oogootooloob oom ab oom ee ab oomboo mohis mu agamoot mohis wig ab umann agamoot igita mohis oogoo family es sennelemind honn anamag hutee liboot liba hiyoom hoom lebemind heleb es segemulub agamb i mohis es sondugub ab oom oboob igitasi undum wom salib oogoo igung egee egee hooyom ang yam oom endeteng endeteng ig eb amoong yam oomboo mohis hoom womoom egee liboot hoo family sila oogoo igugund mohis hiyoom oogoo liboomung family sila oogoo igung agamb i amoong o isim oom ab mohis mu agamoot mohis hombumbuwa igund imoomboo mohis es sonduguloot ingis igund hiyoomboo es sonduguloot ab oom hum igita sogu tugub mohis yolee heleb teb ab ebemind ebemind noomboo igung oom ig musu egee oboob i noom egee angoom

when the kiyaps came, was that good or bad?: 0:24:35
it was good they came and straightened us out: 0:24:44
(i don't even know what i asked here): 0:25:15
telling about when the kiyaps came: 0:25:36
which is better, to be wild or clear: 0:26:31
it's bad to be wild : 0:26:36
who came first, lutherans or the kiyaps?: 0:27:16
the luterans came first yann hongonn (a torokum place) then to nagalubee hulum (torkum big place) and cut the trees, then they left our place and went to wanuma. so the people went wild again and started fighting each other. the luterans aske for kiyaps so the kiyaps came and they would shoot in the air to scare people. so then the luterans came back after the kiyaps. the white man at wanuma was setala (note: sivil saw setala when he was a "mohis meey"), the last white wanuma missionary was kupel: 0:27:24
was it good the missionaries came or bad: 0:28:50
we were wild and they made us good. they taught us pigin, they orginized us into communities and established leaders, they had us build roads. my (sivil's) father built the roads: 0:28:56
kavaluku told me about how one of his father's build madang, did your fathers do that too?: 0:32:18
yeah, once they learned pigin they went down. madang was just a swamp and they cleared it out: 0:32:34
do you know which of your fathers did that?: 0:33:34
endembi and maginn, maliya's father: 0:33:48
can you count them?: 0:33:55
just the two endembi and maginn, endembi is maliya's father, maliya is still alive: 0:33:59
can you recount the geneology (poorly asked)?: 0:34:16
(moolulu) my grandfather was maginn, the father of my father. if you ask soso and goosubonn, their father went too: 0:34:31
are they still around: 0:35:30
soso's dad is still around (post note, it was his uncle who is not still around): 0:35:33
who brought the vanilla?: 0:36:26
gusubonn's era did that, they went to the coast and learned how to look after it and brought up plantings: 0:36:43
when did they do that: 0:38:05
(moolulu) just now when i was young: 0:38:11
(sivil) they just now brought it when silas was getting big, first we tried coffee: 0:38:40
was coffee any good?: 0:39:05
no, a lot of work for a little pay: 0:39:12
so is vanilla a good thing?: 0:39:44
vinalla is better than coffee, it is good. now we can buy things like blankets and pots and we're full with stuff: 0:39:48
did they have money in the old days: 0:40:39
no: 0:40:48
how did that change?: 0:41:01
it only just changed: 0:41:04
what other things are different between the old days and now?: 0:41:16
now we have money so we have a lot, they used to be in darkness but now it's clear : 0:41:27
going back to warfare, you said in the middle there was war, why did that end? (poorly asked): 0:41:56
you guys came and it ended: 0:42:23
how did the fights begin?: 0:42:46
we were just wild animals back then: 0:42:52

Checked words in lexicon: 22%

Aliyoos and Toobee on the old days
last edited March 19, 2024, 10:36 a.m. by Rhett

    Speaker: Aliyoos and Toobee

Orthographic text

humul?: 0:00:00
before there was big bush now there are gardens: 0:00:18
which is better? they looked after it well, we didn't: 0:00:59
water?: 0:02:47
in the same way, we didn't look after the water well and the wildlife left: 0:02:54
but now you have fish: 0:03:27
yeah, we have fish and we've cut the trees by the water: 0:03:31
wich is better, fishy water or eely water: 0:03:45
they looked after their water, we didn't and the eels fled. they did better: 0:03:59
sun? (he's still thinking fish though): 0:04:34
we go fishing when there is a good sun: 0:04:43
were the seasons the same or differe (i didn't communicate well enough that i'm not talking about fish anymre!): 0:05:32
you can't fish in the rainy season: 0:05:41
(i was confused by his answer so i just asked the next question) is now the same or different?: 0:05:56
when it's sunny we go in the water: 0:06:02
villages? (he's still on the topic of fish): 0:06:18
we used to gather and go fishing, we still do that: 0:06:30
i'm not talking about fishing. did the old people build villages?: 0:07:00
no, they lived wild until your people came and took them : 0:07:15
which is better?: 0:07:54
they were wild and blind, building small gardens in the woods. they they got axes and such in the great grandpartent time: 0:08:00
gardens?: 0:08:45
now we have axes and things so we make clear areas to put our gardens: 0:08:53
how did they do it before axes?: 0:09:48
they'd use their adz and they didn't eat much: 0:09:55
so which is better: 0:10:06
we build larger gardens now : 0:10:13
houses?: 0:10:40
they used to build ground houses and wrap them in sul: 0:10:49
why don't you still use sul?: 0:11:21
it is like a blain: 0:11:25
why do you use blains now?: 0:11:35
we have lots of bamboo: 0:11:43
which is better? : 0:11:57
they're mostly the same thing (+much more detailed talk about houses in general): 0:12:08
lifespans?: 0:14:30
the great great's live a long time but come to now we start dieing: 0:14:38
so now?: 0:14:58
from our grandparents on we started dieing quickly: 0:15:06
work?: 0:15:30
we follow the same work: 0:15:50
population: 0:16:00
there used to be a lot of people: 0:16:12
and now?: 0:16:33
now we are few. of course, many of them died as they came: 0:16:37
what changed?: 0:16:45
they used to kill each other with sorcery: 0:16:49
did the people have good pasin or bad pasin? (first attempt asked if they had good teeth): 0:16:54
it used to be pretty good but then they started doing sorcery and the like: 0:17:42
are you doing well now?: 0:19:08
if we act well, we will live long. if we don't act well we will die quickly: 0:19:16
did they do a lot of warfare or did they just dabble in murder?: 0:19:28
just the one time of war: 0:19:38
how did your ancestors take the land?: 0:19:47
do you mean when they built the villages?: 0:20:21
when they sat here: 0:20:31
tobee's line came from down below and mine from across the river: 0:20:59
where were they?: 0:21:50
they were from pusila, we were on the other side (ingis): 0:21:53
was the place empty or full?: 0:21:58
it was empty, and they came up and called some of us over: 0:22:02
what about the other villages?: 0:22:17
pusila and kokoma are all one family from ingis. all the kovol were at kombumbuwa and then some went to torokum and ours went to ingis. then the kiyaps made us join in one place: 0:22:28
how was your mountain empty? (but he heard, how did they die?): 0:23:44
they killed eachother and the population dropped, then they started repopulating the place. our grandparents said that we were going to be more chill and not fight and if we act badly we're also going to die: 0:23:51
were the kiyaps good or bad? : 0:25:29
they were good, we were wild and blind and they helped us see clear: 0:25:40
did they stick around or did they come temporarily?: 0:27:22
they took our names and went back: 0:27:26
what work did they do?: 0:27:39
they took our names, told us to build roads, gave us things to builg roads: 0:27:44
who came first, luterans or kiyaps?: 0:28:24
we're not sure, ask the old people. maybe the kiyaps came first: 0:28:33
were the luterans good or bad?: 0:29:01
they didn't come in the name of the luterans first. they first came and took us, then the lutherans came and schooled us: 0:29:10
so they came later, was it a good thing or bad?: 0:30:18
it was good: 0:30:26
what work did they do?: 0:30:33
they taught us to read and do church, we've stopped doing church: 0:30:36
(more still)

Checked words in lexicon: 3%

Nangum about the old days
last edited March 19, 2024, 10:36 a.m. by Rhett

    Speaker: Nangum

Orthographic text

humul?: 0:00:00
our greandparents just were: 0:00:37
so yeah, has your big bush changed?: 0:00:50
now there's only big bush here and there, we cut gardens and villages: 0:01:04
is that good or bad?: 0:01:22
our ancestors had small gardens and we have large gardens: 0:01:30
so your gardens are different?: 0:01:50
we cut gardens: 0:01:53
which is better, big bushes or big gardens: 0:02:00
we have larger gardens to support more people: 0:02:25
water?: 0:02:50
the water is the same: 0:03:15
and the things inside the water?: 0:03:22
(no answer): 0:03:27
sun?: 0:03:55
i don't know: 0:04:20
seasons?: 0:04:36
when it was honobugut they were hungy: 0:04:50
houses?: 0:05:03
they built houses: 0:05:12
were they the same or different?: 0:05:21
we still build houses, it is the same: 0:05:24
and villages?: 0:05:42
they had villages: 0:05:51
lifespans?: 0:05:59
some lived, some died: 0:06:06
and now?: 0:06:19
it's the same: 0:06:25
work?: 0:06:35
we follow their work, but we leave out the bad stuff. sometimes we do bad stuff too: 0:06:41
so who had better teeth? (i caught the error and fixed it to who had better pasin): 0:07:14
our ancestors shot people just like you would an animal: 0:08:02
is that good or bad?: 0:08:15
thats bad: 0:08:18
so now do you do good or bad?: 0:08:20
they did bad so we left it: 0:08:32
population?: 0:08:46
in the middle they killed a lot of people: 0:08:55
and now?: 0:09:11
now we know better and don't kill people: 0:09:15
how did your ancestors take the land?: 0:09:54
they took the land and here we are: 0:10:01
where did they come from?: 0:10:27
maneena (evesil): 0:10:38
when they came was the land empty or populated?: 0:10:48
they came and had babies: 0:11:02
kiyaps good or bad?: 0:11:10
our people were fighting and the kiyaps came and gave them salt: 0:11:20
was that good or bad?: 0:11:43
our people were doing bad, sorcery and eating people: 0:11:47
but did the kiyaps do good or bad?: 0:11:59
they were doing bad, one or two were doing good: 0:12:02
so the kiyaps had bad pasin?: 0:12:13
the kiyaps gave them salt and they did well: 0:12:17
later the lutherans came, did they do good or bad?: 0:12:26
that was good: 0:12:36
and more about the building of madang: 0:12:51

Checked words in lexicon: 2%

pusila guy about history
last edited March 19, 2024, 10:36 a.m. by Rhett

Orthographic text

0.000000 34.185282 is the big bush of old the same or different than the big bush of today? 34.185282 91.726969 recently people have been planting gardens so there is not much big bush 91.726969 100.644869 there's a lot of people now, or before? 100.644869 128.247892 there used to be only a few people but now there are many. that's why the big bush is gone and there is just dobulab 128.247892 133.343834 is the dobulab new? 133.343834 153.939936 the dobulab came in our life, about when we were getting married 153.939936 162.220843 which is better, the old big bush or the current big bush 162.220843 170.926412 the old one is better 170.926412 187.912887 before the population was low, was that good or bad 187.912887 212.118615 now there are a lot og people and that's bad, people get drunk and stuff 212.118615 220.505688 so who will we remove (joke)? 220.505688 233.139379 we will remove our own bad pasin 233.139379 242.588106 did the old people do good pasin or bad pasin? 242.588106 269.341805 some did good while others did bad 269.341805 281.126173 and now? 281.126173 293.972195 both 293.972195 309.472354 was the water of the old days the same or differetn? 309.472354 341.640493 before there were frogs, eels and crawdads. now there are fish 341.640493 347.798090 which was better? 347.798090 361.281105 the old water was bettter 361.281105 378.161415 was the sun from before the same or different? 378.161415 419.459784 the dry season used to be longer and dryier, now it is short and it still rains in dry season 419.459784 424.874224 why did it change? 424.874224 429.545504 i don't know 429.545504 440.692879 did they build their houses the same or different 440.692879 468.242819 they built it differently (goes into detail) 468.242819 475.090492 which is better, or are they the same? 475.090492 493.297871 both are fine 493.297871 502.958929 did they build villages the same or differently? 502.958929 514.212469 they stayed in the bush, they didn't build villages 514.212469 518.193674 is that good or bad? 518.193674 527.695484 their thoughts would diverge and they grew to fear eachother 527.695484 535.498647 did they build their gardens the same or different? 535.498647 555.033094 before they built small gardens and just one, now we build multiple large gardens 555.033094 558.324223 is that good or bad? 558.324223 569.365433 what they did was good, we've kind of messed up 569.365433 576.053857 in the old days did people last a long time or did they die close to? 576.053857 592.191009 they used to live until old age, now we die while we are young 592.191009 609.655230 is the work from before the same or different? 609.655230 639.806224 before they did good pasin and lived long lives, now we do bad pasin and die quickly 639.806224 648.671041 did they war? 648.671041 666.294510 they used to fight and eat eachother 666.294510 669.267143 and now do you do that? 669.267143 673.036017 now we don't do that 673.036017 675.106244 is that good or bad? 675.106244 680.202187 they did bad so we don't do that 680.202187 686.359784 why did that change? 686.359784 701.647612 i dont know 701.647612 751.545384 how did the kovol people take the land? did they come from a different place or did were they around for a long time? 751.545384 772.725396 i'm not sure, we've been here for a long time 772.725396 784.456681 so did they come from elsewhere or they just were here? 784.456681 793.905408 they say we came from another place 793.905408 808.768575 when the kiyaps came, was that good or bad? 808.768575 861.214318 they were in different places and fighting and the kiyaps came and gave them salt and made them be in one place, it was good 861.214318 868.008909 so was it good or bad? 868.008909 878.678539 it was good, our ancestors were doing bad and they came 878.678539 884.252226 later the lutherans came, was that good or bad? 884.252226 893.117043 they came and that was fine 893.117043 922.259465 kavaluku told me about how his grandfather built madang. did your grandfather do that too? 922.259465 975.289119 our people were at war and the kiyaps and lutherans came and appointed leaders and we bilt villages and roads 975.289119 989.515293 so are you currently in a good time or a bad time? 989.515293 1002.732894 we're in a good time, but if we do bad, bad will come

Checked words in lexicon: 3%

Moogam on history and changes
last edited March 19, 2024, 10:36 a.m. by Rhett

    Speaker: Moogam

Orthographic text

humul: 0:00:00
used to have big bush now not: 0:00:30
why was there a big bush?: 0:00:49
there weren't many people and they had small gardens: 0:00:54
was it good or bad that there was big bush: 0:01:26
that was good: 0:01:59
now there is not, is that good or bad: 0:02:06
well, now we have more people: 0:02:13
nomol?: 0:03:13
the water is the same: 0:03:24
and the things in the water?: 0:03:31
there used to be a lot more critters: 0:03:42
is that good or bad? : 0:04:52
it was better, but we're doing alright: 0:05:11
you're fine?: 0:05:24
we're fine. it used to be easy to find meat but now it's hard: 0:05:29
houses?: 0:06:10
houses are the same: 0:06:19
do you make them differently?: 0:06:43
the styles are different and we have nails, but essentially the same: 0:06:48
which is better?: 0:08:16
a good house is good. theirs were simpler and ours are more complicated: 0:08:22
why do you build complicated houses?: 0:08:54
we do what we feel like doing, also we have nails: 0:09:05
did their houses last?: 0:09:34
when it gets bad you break it up: 0:09:38
did they build villages?: 0:09:52
they were isolated: 0:10:04
and now?: 0:10:21
our grandfathers started building villages: 0:10:24
why were they isolated?: 0:11:14
the looked after different land : 0:11:19
was that good or bad?: 0:11:53
it was fine, but it did cause problems: 0:11:58
what kind of problems: 0:12:22
in the middle time they began fighting, in the old time it was good: 0:12:26
so they started fighting when they were apart?: 0:12:40
yeah, so that's why our fathers decided to build villages: 0:12:47
gardens?: 0:13:19
they used to have little one's but now we're many so we have massive gardens: 0:13:29
is that good or bad?: 0:13:55
it's both, we kind of messed the place up but we have lots of food: 0:13:59
lifespan?: 0:14:48
around the time of the grandfathers they died a lot do to the fighting: 0:14:54
and now?: 0:15:17
now we're doing aright, we're losing people about once a year. they used to be losing people monthly becaus they were bad: 0:15:20
an your grandparents, did they do well?: 0:17:08
it was around the great granparents they got their stuff together: 0:17:18
why did they change?: 0:17:37
it wasn't always bad, they returned to the good pasin: 0:17:52
so who exactly stopped the fighing?: 0:18:34
they started fighting because they were aimless. when the bible came they knew to stop fighting: 0:19:24
which of your fathers was alive when the bible came?: 0:21:02
yambi: 0:21:18
can you count to yambi?: 0:21:43
moogam, wamunee, yambi, humendu, munumul: 0:21:47
was it in yambi's time the pasin changed?: 0:22:13
humendu was in the time of fighting, yambi said the bible was true: 0:22:26
do you know who brought the bibile?: 0:23:21
sivil prepares it now, before wanuma took our names: 0:23:40
did any of your granparents go to build madang?: 0:24:52
yeah, they went: 0:25:11
which one?: 0:25:19
not mine but their family: 0:25:23
so did you have a father go?: 0:25:35
no, but humendu and yambi would have walked with them a little: 0:25:38
do you know which father was around when the kiyaps came?: 0:26:30
humendu and his son yembi: 0:26:37
did the kiyaps do good work or bad work?: 0:27:21
we were wild and they gave us salt to make us tame: 0:27:32
so was that good or bad?: 0:28:39
that was good: 0:28:48
so was the warfare good or bad?: 0:28:58
that's a bad thing: 0:29:08
what else had changed? (question didn't land well) : 0:29:22
we were different then and we're different now: 0:30:19
(tried the question again): 0:30:40
it's kind of different. we have the bible so we try not to do bad things. if we do it will be bad, if we do well it will be well: 0:31:24

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Set on the good old days
last edited March 19, 2024, 10:36 a.m. by Rhett

    Speaker: Set

Orthographic text

0.000000 29.379101 humul? 29.379101 64.424171 there used to be big bush but now it is clear 64.424171 68.621186 why is it clear? 68.621186 78.903871 we cut it and built villages 78.903871 85.199393 which is better? 85.199393 94.013123 clear is better 94.013123 106.079540 water? 106.079540 127.799089 there used to be dark, tamboo, bad water; but now we have good thougts and the water is good 127.799089 140.075356 what is dark water? 140.075356 165.152518 (pigin) water that is dark and you can't wash in it 165.152518 168.615055 where was it? 168.615055 190.334604 we used to be in the dark garden with dark thoughts, but now we're in the clear one 190.334604 201.771468 sun? 201.771468 227.268331 the sun didn't follow it's course, it just did whatever. now it rounds good 227.268331 236.501763 seasons? 236.501763 274.484743 we used to be hungry in the winter but now we have good thoughts and lots of food 274.484743 279.521161 gardens? 279.521161 300.086531 they were wild and didn't have good gardens but now we've cleared out the place and have good gardens 300.086531 303.968770 houses? 303.968770 353.808316 they lived in caves and fought eachother but now we live in villages and in harmony with eachother 353.808316 360.838315 villages? 360.838315 380.774134 they were bad and now we have villages and will go in the garden 380.774134 397.457266 lifespans? (i think he understood: have the kovol people been around for a long time?) 397.457266 434.286068 the kovol people have been for a long time, we are still here, and we will be here later 434.286068 441.735768 work? 441.735768 469.855765 it is the same work but it was harder 469.855765 501.648149 pasin? (made the teeth mistake again, but fixed it) 501.648149 535.748891 they had the willingness to do good but they didn't have the understanding 535.748891 551.382770 and now do you have good pasin? 551.382770 584.119483 now we have more understanding and we are doing better but we sill come short 584.119483 594.192317 population? 594.192317 617.905449 there were few and now there are many 617.905449 627.558582 how did your ancestors take the land 627.558582 693.871410 they filled the empty land (and a sort of adam and eve descritpion) 693.871410 701.111260 kiyaps good or bad? 701.111260 741.192747 it was bad and the kiyaps made it better and you will make it good 741.192747 753.049313 lutherans? 753.049313 776.447669 they were good, we were doing bad and they showed us
776.972295 778.651101 it goes on about the building of madang and his father's educacion in town

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kombumbuwa man on history
last edited March 19, 2024, 10:36 a.m. by Rhett

Orthographic text

humul?: 0:00:00
the big bush is finished: 0:00:38
why?: 0:00:43
(talking among themselves about the time of building contracts in town): 0:00:47
is it good or bad that the big bush is over?: 0:01:11
it was good, we didn't know pigin then. then they did contracts: 0:01:17
who's doing contracts?: 0:01:33
ogubonn: 0:01:38
what contract did he do?: 0:01:47
he went and did work and got money and learned tok pisin: 0:01:55
where?: 0:02:11
madang, he built it and learned tok pisin: 0:02:15
was he your father or older? : 0:02:26
older, and he went with egig nann: 0:02:40
when was this?: 0:03:09
the grandparents time: 0:03:13
and they built madang?: 0:03:18
they went and cut all the trees and cleared it out and learned tok pisin. they came back with axes and cleared out our area and now there is juse dobulab: 0:03:23
is the big bush going to come back?: 0:04:11
no, it's finished: 0:04:15
water?: 0:04:23
it used to be wild but now the place is clear: 0:04:35
but what about the water?: 0:04:53
it is all like that: 0:04:55
houses?: 0:05:04
they built ground houses and used sul: 0:05:18
and what do you build now?: 0:05:33
now we do tall houses with blains: 0:05:36
is that good or bad?: 0:05:42
now we have white things, but the things of old were good and the new things are bad: 0:05:45
if it is bad, why do you do it?: 0:06:04
it is the new way of doing things: 0:06:15
so is a blain good or bad?: 0:06:24
our parents didn't do it so i won't. they used tree bark: 0:06:27
(me confusing some words): 0:06:39
gardens?: 0:06:57
we did small ones and now we do big ones: 0:07:06
why did it change?: 0:07:16
these new thoughts have come: 0:07:21
so which is better, a big garden or a small one?: 0:07:58
now there's a buch of people and they've cut big gardens and the big bush is gone: 0:08:08
why are there more people?: 0:08:30
the time has come and there are a bunch of people and they killed the big bush: 0:08:35
in the old times were there a lot of people or just a few: 0:08:47
there used to just be two people and now there are a bunch: 0:08:52
is that good or bad?: 0:09:01
it was good before and now it is bad: 0:09:04
so who will we get rid of?: 0:09:10
we don't know: 0:09:21
did the people of old have good pasin or bad?: 0:09:30
the old people did good, i don't know about now, maybe we just do bad: 0:09:56
was their pasin like now or different?: 0:10:08
now is different, sometimes they did bad and fought: 0:10:15
did the fight?: 0:10:45
they would fight and do sorcery: 0:10:48
and now do people do that?: 0:10:57
yeah, they still do that: 0:11:00
work?: 0:11:12
we follow their work: 0:11:27
kiyaps, good or bad?: 0:11:45
it was good, they gave us stuff and make it clear: 0:12:00
and the lutherans?: 0:12:22
(storying again about the kiyaps): 0:12:34
so were the lutherans good or bad: 0:13:48
they were good, they brought us inside: 0:13:55
was that the grandparents time or father's time?: 0:14:17
grand parents (?): 0:14:24
who's your dad?: 0:14:28
guwela: 0:14:30
and his father?: 0:14:32
obugonn: 0:14:33
and his father (but he answers mother i didn't catch it at the time): 0:14:40
his mother was singangoot: 0:14:42
and his father?: 0:14:47
my grandfather (?) was obugonn his father was koogooma kayim. guwela nann, obugonn ndomb (tomb?), koogooma kayim/ guwela nann was my father : 0:14:48
and who went to madang?: 0:15:34
obugonn and my father built wanuma: 0:15:47

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