Bible knowledge - questions about creation and spirits

last edited Aug. 1, 2024, 2:18 p.m. by Steve



  1. mee mee teenn ig heb nom megite tugub es helemind ig? (how did everything we see appear?)
  2. megite henee ogoo God mee mee teenn nom es nduguloot ig? (why did God create everything?)
  3. oo isig nom, heem honn nom, mee mee teenn nom singu bili ig? oo hiyol ogoo yot ig? (was everything good in the beginning or was some bad?)
  4. God sinnol noolot, mohis nooloot. Endet hooloo his nooloot ig? (did God make people and animals the same?)
  5. God mohis teme nom nooloot. Mohis teme nom subabigeb igugund ig? oo ombul bili ende hooloo his?(do men win over women or are the two the same?)
  6. oo isig nom mehamonn megite mee God hubi osoot ig? (what work did God give to the spirits in the beginning?)
  7. megite tugub Satan hubi wogoonong es helemind ig? (how did the spirits and satan appear?)
  8. su Satan megite mehamonn nenim eb naga ig? (what work does Satan want to do today?)
  9. olooguwo megite ab ogoo Satan hubi wogoonoong egee yis ig? (later where will Satan and spirits go?)
  10. su mohis umo hobondoo nom ab nom ondomboo ig wig? (where are the spirits of dead men now?)
  11. see om mohis umo hobondoo yog amb iguguma ig? (do the spirits of the dead talk to you now?)
  12. ensel nom hubi nom su wog endet hoolo his ig? (are angels and hubi the same today?)
  13. su ensesl ondomboo ig wig? (where are the angels today?)
  14. megite tugub ig hubi pinot subabigeb iguguma? (how do you avoid hevis from hubi?)
  15. mohis uma hobondoo nom megite ab ogoo yann ig? (where does the spirit go when someone dies?)
  16. ab yot nom hobol amee. Mohis moogom ab ogoo yab igugund? Satan hubi wogoonoong egee yis ig? (talk about hell, who goes there, will Satan go there?)


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Samuel - Creation
last edited Aug. 1, 2024, 2:18 p.m. by Steve

Orthographic text

1: 0:00:00
(god spoke and it was.)

2: 0:00:23
(he said that it wasn't good for him to be alone. i'll create and people will get to know me and lift my name up.)

3: 0:00:53
(they were in the garden and it was good. it was just good, not bad.)

4: 0:01:34
(god formed the beasts by speaking, but formed man using his hands.)

5: 0:01:55
(they are both good. if a woman doesn't listen to her husband he can be les and will win against her.)

6: 0:02:34
(the hubi broke god's talk, they did bad and were kicked out. )

7: 0:03:14
(he broke the talk. god created everything, satan broke talk and was kicked out. )

8: 0:03:46
(he does bad, he wants to get us)

9: 0:04:02
(satan's people will be with him and god's people will be with god.)

10: 0:04:24
(they are in the place god put them. god put them in heaven and they are there.)

11: 0:04:53
(no we don't talk to them)

12: 0:05:17
(angels are the same. good and bad hubi exist.)

14: 0:05:57
(if we do good and stay with god and jesus the hubi leave us.)

15: 0:06:20
(they go to heaven.)

16: 0:06:28
(people who do bad who hit people, pull women they go to hell. people who do good go to heaven.)

Gusubonn - questions about creation
last edited Aug. 1, 2024, 2:18 p.m. by Steve

Orthographic text

1 : 0:00:00
(god spoke and things were. that's what we say. trees, meat, everything god spoke and it was. he gave adam the job of looking after animals, and he ate them.)

2: 0:01:05
(we say that there were no people in the world, god saw and he made man and gave meat to them, the sky was made, the rivers, the night. then man was made and the trees and meat and everything needed looking after and so god made man, then eve came, god put the tree not to eat, the animals. today god gives us meat too.)

3: 0:02:41
(some was bad, some was completely good. good and bad were there.)

4: 0:03:06
(god just spoke and made animals, god made man with his hands)

5: 0:03:29
(if a woman's thinking wins her husband that is bad and she goes. the same with the man. if both have good thinking it's ok.)

6: 0:04:12
(the bible says god made adam and man split and spread. the spirit put adam's soul, god one the spirit got up and said "you go to the bush" and they went to the 4 corners of the earth. that's the story we hear.)

8: 0:05:31
(he gets people, bad people. god gets some people. that's what he does.)

9: 0:06:00
(the money road and stuff they look after that. he looks over the cargo and wrecks it. afterwards the stuff will appear)

10: 0:06:38
(the aren't in a place they are with us. we bury the bodies in the ground, the spirit and talk are with us.)

11: 0:07:28
(no, we talk to god.)

12: 0:07:54
(there are angels if we can't follow their thoughts they go to the fire? if we have right thinking angels are with us and we'll behave well and the place will be good. )

13: 0:09:04
(angels are with us. that's what we say.)

14: 0:09:33
(if we talk to god we won't get hubi hevis, if we don't we will get hevis)

15: 0:10:11
(if a person dies his spirit will be with us)

16: 0:10:42
(heaven exits and hell exists. people who behave badly go to hell and people who behave well go to heaven.)

Sibil - questions about creation
last edited Aug. 1, 2024, 2:18 p.m. by Steve

Orthographic text

1: 0:00:00
mee mee teenn ogoo heb igung oo megitet es helemind ig? (he corrects my question. long ago these things weren't. there was just water and darkness, everything was inside that. there was just god as a spirit. let there be light he said, that was the first thing. he put day and night. there was just water, and he said the land should come up, and it did. he broke the waters and they went, the wind said that and broke the waters. the deep water and land was there, and yagib was there. that's how land came up, it was like land from a landslide, barren, just dirt. sigesig yooguwa om igu iguwot endet hoolo. god saw it was barren, and he said the seas should gather. the seas gathered into one place. god the spirit spoke by his own understanding and these things happened. he said there should be oceans and called them oceans. then there was no animals. he made fish next. he said there should be fish, and they were. he said there should be grass and grass came. some trees animals ate and some for people appeared. he called for animals that they should come. man and woman came, they came to the ocean. he told the fish, eels, prawns and everything to go and be. he did the same for the sky animals, everything that flies and eats seeds. he worked on days 1-4 and now i'm talking about day 5. on day 5 the animals came, there were lots of animals, but there was no one to look after it. he made day and night, starting on monday and on saturday the work was done and god didn't want to work on sunday. god got mud and made man, just made the body and it wasn't alive. god was to make two, the body was there but the spirit waited. the tobacco needed to go in -breathing out into him-. god smoked into him and the man became alive, he said he's alone. -it seems he might be suggesting god accidentally breathed life into man during a smoke break, he meant to make two, but made a mistake-. one man was up and walking around, but one just their body was there. he was supposed to make 2, but one came alive early. the work was done. then it was day 7 and god wouldn't work, man was alone. he made everything and it was good. he didn't work on day 7. the sky stars, ground, grass, everything was good and god was happy.)

2: 0:13:41
(man was going to be on the ground and look after everything. god made adam was in the garden and told to look after things. eat the things for eating, look after the animals, eat the animals for eating. i won't forget, i'll look after the garden, i will know man said. god put things in his hands. he named everything. )

3: 0:16:42
(there were trees for eating, some for not eating. there were animals for eating. in the garden were two trees, a tree for living long and a tree for knowing good and evil. he said to man to eat the food in the garden, but not the two trees. so man stayed away and ate the food in the garden, but not those. he just looked after those 2 trees. don't eat the seed. don't go to the trees. one time a spirit came as a snake. he talked to the woman. the man followed. the serpent asked eve what god told her about the tree. eve said god told her not to go near it, don't take and eat. that's what he said. we don't go to it. no satan says, i know, god lied. if you eat you'll become like gods. go to the things not to go to. you will go to the place, you will understand. it's a tree for eating, a good tree. god is lying, you'll be like him. eve got the seed, she ate and gave to her husband. adam ate. he ate and they saw they didn't have anything to cover. they were naked.they saw each other. it's not good we're naked. they left from the sound of god coming. they made coverings and hid, but god knew and came. he called for adam a few times. i'm here said adam. god asked adam why he was hiding. adam pointed at the woman. she gave me the fruit we weren't supposed to eat and i'm naked and hiding. god asked eve what she had eaten. eve pointed at the serpent. the serpent talked with me and told me it was a good tree she said. god spoke to the serpent. the man who was in the garden followed your talk. your arms and legs will be cut off he said, you wont' have legs and so his legs were finished. he goes around on his belly, he won't be for eating. the serpent is now on the ground. god speaks to the man and says this place you're looking after you'll go a long way. you followed the serpent and now you'll have difficulty. you'll cut and plant gardens your skin will be les and you'll get sick and have sores, be like that. they were created to look after the garden, but now they are put out. you will come out of the garden and be outside. you were from the dirt and you will join with the dirt again. god said that the spirit i put in you one time will come again and they came out. a part of the talk was done. you will be outside and afterwards he said to the woman that her children will be snake children and be in the middle, the snake children will be and one of your descendents will pierce him, stamp on his head, peirce him and at that time that line will come inside the fence. he will get the people and come. he said that and they went out and people spread.)

4: 0:27:15
(people have big knowledge and animals small. animals know how to be in the place, hide and eat. they're happy with that. people know a lot, we know good and bad. bad, breaking god's talk, adam and eve did that and we have bad talk and bad thinking. good thinking is being far away from breaking talk. afterwards sent good thinking, bad would be finished and the snake would be killed. he will beat the snake and go into the garden. that's jesus. adam died and lots of children came, but jesus was the one. we're all snake children. jesus thought about people and took their pain. jesus took pain and strengthened people's thoughts. people would stay away from satan's lies and beat bad behaviour. jesus killed bad and gives people life. he did that and got a big name. afterwards he won't die, death is finished. he got life and afterwards he will come. that life is with us now, it was sent. it's gone everywhere. we see that jesus was buried to inapim everywhere. we people alive are all happy, it's a big work. this is just talk, this is a light for my grandparents they got it and it's become big. so god's word came, we came and were baptised and got the name christian. we got it and are but the road was not clear and now you have come you will get our talk and then put jesus talk here. we don't see jesus talk, we have it nating. afterwards you will put and we'll see. we'll eat it and have life. lots of people are working hard to find god's talk, sin has blocked our road and we're hard work finding it. men will say it's true and get it and we'll all get life. john put that talk, the evangelists brought the talk, the road to life. the thinking lots of people have is that what our ancestors thought and did is a lie. there's one true talk that came, one talk for everyone in all 4 corners of the earth. in jesus place he put the name king. people who say true to that have life. people who don't believe and follow earthly thinking don't go inside and have life. )

5: 0:35:38
(when god made man he made just the man, not the woman at first. the man tasol was alive and he saw that the animals had both male and female. he didn't have one like that, he was alone. he was thinking that all the animals had a mate, but he didn't. one time when he was sleeping he took a rib and made a woman. the man woke up and saw the woman. he laughed and said my woman, my flesh, my bone. that's what adam said. the woman said she would be under his hand. they would be like that and behave. they were both in the garden)

6: 0:38:52
(the angels are like god, they don't have a body, he made man different. angels are an empty wind, spirits with no body. he made them in the sky and called them angels or hubi. the good and bad are without bodies. one came as a snake and lied to eve. they are sound without bodies. )

7: 0:40:51
(god made man, god triwan. a number 4 angel was there called satan. the three are father son and spirit, 4 is the one who gives people thinking do this or do that. our tatugum did at and we do it. this thinking is far away from god's thinking. if we do good we have good thinking, bad then bad thinking. that's what we have. )

9: 0:42:24
(he'll be put in the bad place. anyone who follows his thinking will go to the bad place and people who follow god's thinking go to the good place. )

10: 0:43:21
(the bible says they will be with jesus or they will go to their own place. our grandparents said the body the spirit, but the his was in us, inside the children and gave food and meat. they were hidden. that was what we thought. now an angel has come and cut the road is what the bible says. they used to say the spirit was with us and would be wanbel when we plant and give meat when it was short.)

11: 0:45:01
(they talked to them, they were. the sound would be there and sleep with us. they gave food and meat, blocked enemies. i don't know that's what they say.)

12: 0:45:57
(yes there are good and bad hubi.)

13: 0:46:18
(i can't show you i can just say. my parents said they were in cliffs, now the book has come and people with good thinking go to the sky with jesus. the sky? i don't know)

14: 0:47:21
(we avoid it by not doing the things they tempt us to do. they lie. they promise good things, but i won't go there, i'll stay with jesus. then i'll avoid it. i won't eat my brother's meat, it's a lie and so i'll avoid it. the hevi won't come. )

16: 0:48:42
(someone who does bad on the earth will go to the bad place. if i do the right thing i'll go to the good place, we don't know that's just what we say.)

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