Orthographic text
(where does you're wesig live? and can you say their name?)
enn wesig unim mu egee aminim
enn wesig endet oom
enn undum wog hutam oomboo wog oosoom
onn ab oogoo iluguwasi liboong oomboo hiyoomboo oogoo iguwot oo
na egee ilis
(are you going to do work for him, or are you just visting?)
enn endet, enn undum wesig woheeyo oogoo linim oo
honn hutee oogoo se oom wig
honn hutee oogoo endet woheeyo hala egee ilib noom endet haga hala endet mehomonn hute nog nolo
noom ee, mehomonn hum neleb agamb teb ootootooloob egee tebenim
(so will you wesig do work for you?)
wesig endet laba... tambu olsem haga
mehomonn nooloomung i oogootooloob endet
oogootooloob lib onnol ab ilinim eb liba nog oogoo libigoom oo egee ilinn
(what is the last time your wesig did work for you?)
noom mehomonn nooloot tuboomung teb endet
noom ee, noomboo mehomonn mondu oogootooloomung igu
dugandum etilig umasi ennel his detee
etilig umb i haga noom ee mondu oogootooloomung iguwot oo
honn hutee oogoo enn bili hum heleb endet
na mehomonn noom mondu noom nesi egee wi hann
(are your oogoogoomee and pagum still around?)
enn oogoogoomee, pagum umumind
enn temee onn inda isol noom endet
onn temee hoo umut, pagum umut
oogoogoomee, onn inda isol oo igu
(where does he sleep?)
onn ingis hiyoom
(with you wife's brothers?)
aya enn temee onn munob mag
onn inda mot wog ab ingis hiyoom
(what do you do for your wife's brothers?)
enn ee
hoo inoomboo lib woham yam, oomo see oomboo mu lib wohoogoom yam
singu ab oogoo igugum
(what is the last time you went to see them?)
noom wogootooloob agamb i ogootooloob, temee masag enn
womoom pepal yab igisi ilat
lib woheb agamb i sooguwa see his ila wog agamb i looboot
enn hoomee noom ilam
nisil, nisil endet, wog ulomb endet hobol hiyol oogoo amb
nolo honn noomboo ilam, ilib endet
ilib agamb i oogootooloob hoomee liboomung
(have you done a pennam?)
ig ee noom ee
undum, enn undum yokoobet
enn undum hutee mohis womboo ab komumbuwa mohis oboot
oboot oom endet
yab hogot ebigondo hutee oboot
igog oboomung tulomb agamb agamb i agabi hala homom mot wogoosoot
oom noomboo meemee wogoso ig o noom endet ig hum singu igung
(so is it going to happen or are they going to skip it?)
noom endet hum
dugandum wog homom mot igugund ig singu endet ig meemee sila wig noom eb endet
hum igung, mee hutee heb noom, endet noom o
wig omboo endet hum singu hum igung
oomboo musu homom mot egee igugund eb
tatugum mot igugund eb endet amoong
wongoo hooyom igung
wog eleb ig yoheb lib igugund
Checked words in lexicon: 63%