Orthographic text
1: 0:00:00
(god is always there, we people change. the ground and sky god knows)
2: 0:00:56
(now the kingdom is 2, what we call omonn is in heaven. god's kingdom has come through his word, it comes from heaven. afterwards what will we do i don't know.)
3: 0:02:16
(the talk is that people go to heaven or to hell, the reality i don't know. who will go where? those who go will go, i don't know)
4: 0:03:25
(the first hobol mohis who came, god said and they were. children came and the first child spoke and the talk became big. first there was one talk with adam, which talk i don't know. if another talk was given i don't know)
5: 0:05:16
(adam is the ancestor of us both)
6: 0:06:00
(no, just jesus)