Interview about outsiders moving in

last edited Jan. 25, 2024, 8:07 a.m. by Steve

2-5 Outsiders & Non-relatives


  1. ig hobol mohis wig, ig ab ogootooloob om agamb igung. mohies wes endet igugund ig? endet karkar mohis oo ab hulum mohis ig? (we're outsiders who left our place to live here. Has anyone else done that? Karkar, town?)
  2. Pal mohis hobol ab agamb igugund ig? (do any Pal people live here?) 3, Wab mohis igugund ig? (are there Wab mohis?)
  3. mohis hiyol ogoo ab hulum ogoo yab teme oboob igugund. teme wog ab ogootooloob mohis nog igugund, hobol amee (talk about getting a wife from the nambis)
  4. teme endet igel hobol migemb amg igugund ig? sisu amb igugund ig oo bili amb igugund ig? (do these women speak the language well?)


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Interview - Wilip, outsiders
last edited Jan. 25, 2024, 8:07 a.m. by Steve

    Speaker: Wilip

Interview - Soso, outsiders
last edited Jan. 25, 2024, 8:07 a.m. by Steve