tambuna burial practices

last edited Aug. 16, 2023, 9:24 a.m. by Rhett

3-10 Burial & Funeral Practices


I forget how it came up, but Silas started talking about how the ancestors disposed of their dead. I took some recordings about the matter and followed up with interviews with other people as well


My first impressions were wildly off track, which is reflected in some of my questions. Apparently bodies were wrapped in woven mats, not baskets despite the word "tugel" being used, and set on benches deep in the woods.


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The old way of wrapping dead people in mats
last edited Aug. 16, 2023, 9:24 a.m. by Rhett

    Speaker: Silas

Orthographic text

mohis tatugum mot oo egee umumind om tugel ogoo hangib piguwasi agamb a pegeeleb a lebemind yam (why did they do that?) noom, wog tumunn wendeb piguwa noom hooyom wig hooyom wig omboo hangib piguwa noom hutam wog hooyom omboo agamb om detee noom a nelemind (did they do it to everybody or just some?) mohis tenn oo oo noomboo mohis egee umumind noom tenn detee wopigeemind (when did they stop doing it) noom, heeyim heeyim um ndet agamb igitasi ndet (missionary) heeyim heeyim libebemind lib, wanuma ap yoomboo aleg mendee ooboogooloob lib endet ap hutam hutam wo oboob ab oogoo wopigeb hamind o mohis hangib piguwa oogootalas emind, tumunn wondoob wo piguwas ooguwasi omboo tumunn wendeb umo pigemind (so have you seen this?) enn hooyom wig. inda mot hobol hobol hum det amasi hala migimoong yam, see om

Checked words in lexicon: 71%

Taking a person's bone and feeling bad about it
last edited Aug. 16, 2023, 9:24 a.m. by Rhett

    Speaker: Silas

Orthographic text

ig tatugum agabi isig, unim nabul noom mohis huwolo homongot agamoot, inom homongot omboo inom egee a tebemind noom wonoong huwooloob yooguwa hiyal ogoo noog hutam tugub teb yam mohis wog wondoob wosalamasi bo helemind yam mohis ab oogoo yug eb noom dete his noom a yamind mandeb i onn uma onn hot noom, onn uma hamind o tugel neleb i yogumo oomboo ooboogooloob hangib oboob ya pigemind pegeeleb leb wi hooloot oomo hot om ndet ig tatugum hoom oboot oboob a mandoot mandeb i mandeb i na hat oo endet soogul bili wig heb i oboob yab onnol pegeeleb egee yat ap noomboo hoom pigoot

Checked words in lexicon: 74%

Clarification of wrapping dead bodies in mats
last edited Aug. 16, 2023, 9:24 a.m. by Rhett

    Speaker: Mooloolu

Orthographic text

(why did your ancestors put their dead in the open?) noom endet wog minda wo tumunn wendeb pigo minda noom og wig noomboo hum tugel oogoo wopigeb sebee eb a wopigeemind (did they put them on the road in hidden places?) ap hoogoot ooguwa ab yoolu henee holo noomboo ab pigeemind (so they didn't put them in the open, but rather hidded places) hoogoot ap wopigeemind (did their childred revisit the dead?) um singu pigib oogootelemind yam. yab i sogu tugub pegeeleb yab wi hala hot noom yab hamind yam (why did they look at the bones?) noom ooguwol hum aleg mandeb i yab hamind yam

Checked words in lexicon: 64%

Why they stopped wrapping their dead in mats
last edited Aug. 16, 2023, 9:24 a.m. by Rhett

    Speaker: Wili

Orthographic text

oo endet ig tatugum mot ndet, agabi mot wog ooguwol oo endet ig igel me tolo (ol bai usim) pigeemind yam (usim) piguwasi piguwasi endet igel me tolo oomboo nelemind yam nalasi nalasi mohis hiyap noom liboot honn libinim eb lib lib hat (os?) (spade) oboot sibelig oboot, beyil oboot, hul oboot oboob lib wog osoob amoot o yog et o sibelig omboo et moogut memi higuwas et igeb i et o beyil noomboo neyim higuwasi yooguwa et neyim mendee hipundub et toolugot pigeb mena ubub nemb igitas et (spade) omboo et o mohis umasi et o tumunn wondoob et yogumo wopiyas et yog sebee eb a asam, mohis sebee asam piguwa, noom et o yot et omboo et o see hoom hutee mohis umasi (spade) ogoo yog esigoom noomboo tumunn wendeb mohis umo oomboo wopiguwas yam et ooguwa endet wog hiyap om hobol agamoot noom salamb ig tatugum mot omonn noom salamb igel amemind omboo ig see om nang yam

Checked words in lexicon: 73%

what burial mats were like
last edited Aug. 16, 2023, 9:24 a.m. by Rhett

    Speaker: Yagil

Orthographic text

(what sort of basket did the ancestors put the dead bodies in?) om siligig o, siligig ig o?

(do you know how to make it?) enn noomboo wog ogoo tugel egee nelemind yam noom a, neyim hot hiyal hiyal pigeemind yam pigoob simonn, hel tebemind yam, iluta, sili hutee, simonn endet noom honn obo tugel egee nolo omboo noom ebeb i hamind o neyim hot hiyal omboo ootootoob hiyal omboo ootootoob wi tugub oogooteleb humann yogumo oogootooloob usal um magab magab ilamind yabi mohis noonoonn omboo magab yab wi tugub oogootooloob asam ooboo humann ndugulemind yam piguwasi hum inemind yam inasi (oomo?) sebee asamboo hum hotoogot tooloob noomboo ndugulasi hum inemind yam ndetet hum nelemind yam (is it a basket like a eel trap?) (like an eel trap) egee nala detee wig tugel hum simob egee neleb hum tugel endet noom simob pigeb oboogooloob igugund hotoogot teleb ndugub igugund tugel endet noom nelemind. nelebi asamboo wopigoond yam na om noom hutee sebee hoom eb, sebee eb i asamboo wondugulasi noomboo inug, iningoond yam inemind yam simob tugel hogu holo endet tugub hooloob i mohis noomboo wopigeemind

Checked words in lexicon: 59%