Orthographic text
1: 0:00:00
(i'll see it and) emesis agabi egee henim (there'll be some behaviour he's sorry for, i'll tell him to put good thinking and god will have mercy on him) inda mesisoo heb nonn etilig om egee bili tugang egee henim (i'll say it and put it into god's hands, i'll put it under god. we'll be happy with that and god will be with us is what we'll tell him)
2: 0:01:03
(it's if i steal, if i hold a woman and do bad, if i hit someone, if i insult someone, if i wonder in some place, if i do something with a bottle? if i do lots of these bad things. i'll feel guilty musu agabi and god will send a sick and i'll confess these things to god and i'll be happy and get better)
3: 0:02:06
(yeah we do that. if we put thinking and still he's sick and is going to die we'll kill a pig and confess to the community and to god and he'll get better.)
4: 0:02:57
(yes sometimes we'll do the right things, but someone will die, if he confesses to god he'll get better, but if he has musu ombul then he won't and he'll die)
5: 0:03:42
(if agreement is put the person will get better)
6: 0:03:53
(yes if a person confesses their bad to god they'll get better, if he doesn't he'll die)
7: 0:04:32
(i'll not do bad things like hitting someone, if i keep my head down i won't get sick. if i break the rules god will send sickness.)
8: 0:05:21
(the question wasn't spoken clearly, he thinks he means washing. if a person has a fever we wash them and they get better)
9: 0:06:14
(carrying on with the previous misunderstanding - the water is cold and we wash them with it. i talk about the time nambi and everyone went to the river and ask why they went. they broke a little rule of god and he gave them fever. so me, ulumo and nambi went to the river to be in the cold water. god put that on us and we came up)
Checked words in lexicon: 92%