Dramat makes a bird blind and gets rained on

last edited July 4, 2023, 11:09 a.m. by Philip

1-1 Geography & Weather 1-9 Hunting & Fishing Philip-DA


Dramat made a bird blind by a natural bird bath. Then just as he sat down it started raining and it rained so hard he left. He gets rained on again after a break as he tries to get home.


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Dramat making bird blind and rain
last edited July 4, 2023, 11:09 a.m. by Philip

    Speaker: Dramat

Orthographic text

enn hoomee asamog babi mot (nambis) yug eb iluwasi, wogoonoong ilam. ilib, megilat wo eb igisisi, iluwasi ogooteleb, woog nom yam. yab mamagum hutee ham. omboo yab, oomoo mamagum henee omboo leb. mamagum nom ab yoosoot holo, omboo sebe mesag em. mondu iba omboo sebe eb wi tugub ogooteleb, sisug yootoom. sisug yeteb i wi tugub, mamagum sebe nom om nooloom. neleb wi tugub ogooteleb, yim ndugub oo, see pugumum oo, sib looboot. sib agabi laba, yogumo pugub pugub ham oo, ogootooloob. sib agabi enda, ogootooloob, leb teb, nomol ogoo leb inom ilam. lib, minda minda oboob lib, yagil sandil ab ogoo pigeb ogooteleb. sibelig his oboob ilam. lib hus hi pannabigoom. ilis hebigondoo hutee palib heb. his masagil oboob, hus nom oog oboob egeetulub looboom. leb tol ab, sandil ab omboo leb pigeb, mut etesi et. mut etesi ooguwa, ilis nom hus hobogol heem nom loogoom linimba nooloot. nom oog lumbigeb, nom oog etesi et. etesi ooguwa, nemb ogootooloob. sib tondee pata ooguwa, ogooteleb looboom. yann heb nom egee looboom. leb, womunee noonoomoond ogoo ndugub leb, wog nom toboom. teb, soso onn tol ab ogoo leb oo, nege toboom. omboo sib egil egil looboot. laba uma naga eb ogootooloob. leb, ig tol ab pubul omboo leb, wog nom toboom oo. sib agabi laba, sib agabi enda. noogoonoog hoomee lib, megilat noonoomoond ogoo ilib, noogoonoog oomunee sog hutamboo toolub egee liboom. yab yab i tol ab ogoo liboom. tol ab ogoo libisi, sib hoomee ogootooloot. ogootala amoom oo. “enn endo ogoo looboogonn. aleg hot enda enda yab, ab ogoo tebesi, ogootoogonn.” endet amb ogooteleb sindee yam. sindee yam. mut etesi ooguwa, mena etesi ooguwa, nemb ogootooloob iningoom. iningoom yab, pet ooguwa, tutumul ilib, huwaninn agago ogoo (ball) ab peg imom yagam. (ball) ab peg imom yab, huwaninn agagoom oo. tutumul ilib, tutumul agabisig heb ogooteleb. hom tol ab ogoo ilib, mut etesi ooguwa. mut agab pugub igisisi, huwaninn hologul hala. om ogoo ilib pugub igisisi, noonn ogoo laba, hobol ogoo amoong yam. endeteeng

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