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last edited June 20, 2023, 2:45 p.m. by Rhett
during a language eval this was a story I was given. I transcribed it to better understand it
it is about when selebee went to the coast and was involved in a pmv rollover
ig ab oogoo agamb endet, simonn elennee tugub oo
vanilla elennee tugub elennee tugub oogooteb oo ab ulum oogoo pendeebigub eb amung oo ilingi yab aleg hiyol om yamung ig mo hutee endetee om yat selebee om ogoo yat, yat yab oomomoo leb yoomboo lib inoot pet ooguwa om ogoo yat heeya neyim mendee tulomb inoot pet oogwa neyim mendee, pet oogwa oogot asam noom tooboot taba asam lib ilamind oo aleg hot iluwasi neyim mendee um oogwalooboot oogwalaba hemind o oboob wo womulumut, womuluma ugumo oobomboo agamemind yogumo umbombo igitasi mohis hutee eyig wombanna tala egeemee i yat, noom teb hat om minda minda oboot mooloometeb tooloot yam. telebi telebi wi tugub teb hat om mohis yogumomboo oomboo igitasi wog metulub metulub palib palib oboot tolomboo pigoot yam pigeb igiga wi hala ootooteleb egemee leb lagab bonn olug eb nelemind
lagab bonn olug eb nelemind oo ooguwol egee yamind hiyol ogoo um agamemind oo mu lagab bonn olug eb igitasi mohis enninnot holo soogu tugub om ilamind ilib um wohamind oo endet, bili heleb igitasi endet woheb hooyasi oogootooloob
neyim mendee ibabigug eb nelemind oo mohis ogoo yat oom selebee i yat om onn pinot obugum yot hooloot oogootooloob um egemee um ilat yab aleg hot lib inoot pet ooguwa mandeb i aleg lib, neyim mendee asam lib ilat ab ulum oogoo lib hat oo
house sik ogoo yat, yab medasin oboob bili hooloot hobol tandeng noom aminim ogoo noom enn angoom
Checked words in lexicon: 56%