Interview - Children, shame, and responsibilities

last edited June 2, 2023, 1:06 p.m. by Philip

2-2 Family & Clan 3-3 Marriage & Family 3-4 Interpersonal & Social Relationships


Talking with Renda's dad (our most frequent visitor from Magilong) about children, shame, responsibilities, and meeting with a clan leader.


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Interview- Renda's Dad- children and shame
last edited June 2, 2023, 1:06 p.m. by Philip

Orthographic text

(family ogoo, mogom hem hem igugund? inda mot hem hem igugund ig? oo ina mot?)

inda mot hem hem igugund

(undum omonn yot hala, mogom inann egee ebinn ig?)

undum omonn yot nala, inda ina inann egee ebis

(tatugum tomond inann egee ebis ig?)

tatugum tomond inann egee ebis


hoomoom ende hooloo his

(undum omonn yot nala, mogom hem hem inann egee ebinn? inda?)

inda hem hem inann egee ebinn

Checked words in lexicon: 89%

Interview- Renda's Dad- only boys or girls
last edited June 2, 2023, 1:06 p.m. by Philip

Orthographic text

(mohis moloomunn undum his, abagam bili egee yann ig, oo? nonn amee)

nom mohis moloomunn undum his, nom oonn teme undum yim aba, nom inda ina musu yot egee ebis

(megite ene ogoo, musu yot egee ebis ig?)

oonn teme undum wog i nomboo, abagam yot egee ebis

(megite tugub wog abagam bili egee hann (ebis) ig?)

oonn teme undum wog igita, nom teme undum uteb im aba, nom abagam bili heleb, wog teme undum nom mohis moloomunn hiyoom egee utis

(endet omboo teme undum his, oo moloomunn undum his, wog abagam yot egee hann (ebis) ) (grunt of agreement)

Checked words in lexicon: 85%

Interview- Renda's Dad- father's ground
last edited June 2, 2023, 1:06 p.m. by Philip

Orthographic text

moloomunn undum, om teme i ?? .. teme asamug wog eseb, nom e.. moloomunn undum yab i, om inda ina mot yom oonoong igu, iguwot om undum nom ogooteleb oogool ab inda ab om tooboogoond yam.

Checked words in lexicon: 78%

Interview- Renda's Dad- clan leader meet
last edited June 2, 2023, 1:06 p.m. by Philip

Orthographic text

(clan lida) om hobol ama, ig mohis teenn osigim ulub hum endete. hobol hum i (stori) megite tugub nom amb migoomb, oonn ende hooloo yang yam

(yoog teenn osigim ulub …(lumwa??) ig? oo mohis mooloomunn his (ig) oo?)

moloomunn his, oo teme moloomunn teenn om undum teenn esigeem ulub, hobol amb migoomb (ende hooloo igung?)

Checked words in lexicon: 82%