Orthographic text
1: 0:00:00
(if a children want to go to school small schools cost a little money and big schools cost big money. it's a lot of money to get the big learning. are grade 1 and 2 really cheap? grade 1 is little, 2 is a little bigger - om ilib om yagam nom om isim nomboo amb agabi holoo masi pigeb igung. he calls it meemunum hot hutam, is that a k20? now the price goes up. iligot omboo endet meemunum agabi holoo nononn hutam nom amisi. anamag omongot hutee is put. some put k100. after putting they learn. when we get up to the mark they do the school year. they do 2-3 years then it's big money. we put k200 or k300. grades 8-12 are big money. some do that and some leave it and don't learn, they don't put the money and they don't learn they stay at the place. if people have the money they'll talk, gather money, pay the fees and the kid will get big learning)
2: 0:02:38
(my kids aunt inabe is there. my kid went and studied, but they got sick lots of times, their blood was finished and so they came back. i told this to rhett. his education is like that. i don't know what we're going to do about that, and my kid is here now. is he going to stay or to go again? what grade was that? it was grade 1)
3: 0:03:49
(with his anim)
4: 0:03:59
(mum and dad sell things and get money and pay school fees. do parents sell things and put money nothing for school fees? if they leave school but parents want them to continue they will talk like that and they will put money, then one year when the kid wants to school again they will put that money. it goes like that the money is used like that. they talk about it and leave the money for education)
5: 0:05:11
(we don't know. we do like i said. if the money is right we might do it, but if the money is middle we just leave it. where do you put your money? we sell peanuts, vanilla, tobacco and pig meat and we want our kids to get an education. a part of the money we get and reserve it for school. we do that, i didn't, but it's what we do. samuel did that, his kid is at school. he put money towards school for his kid. where do you put the money you're saving? in our houses, we keep money for boys and girls and wives keep it. when kids are going to go we give them them money and they take it with them)
ig meme ab ogoo nom endet pinat pendebigeb meemunum ebeb igung simonn pendebigeb meemunum ebeb igung habu pendebigeb meemunum ebeb igung sinnol hogot hutee meemunum pendebigoo hala nom wondob higeb pendebigob oboob endet undum ogoo hooyom heleb igu meemunum om heb igung om mondu om undum ogoo skul endet hooyom om amb i oo "meemunum piguwas" heb amasi (the teachers) pigug eb i (we want to put) oboob hiyol omboo pigisu agamb igu (save the money)
6: 0:07:13
(we sell vanilla and nancy gives us bank notes. some go down with the bank notes and some come on top. we'll take some of that and reserve it for school fees and the kid takes it and pays school fees. if the kid is ready for school and parents are short of money then they leave it and don't go to school. people say if you don't put money then you don't pay and you leave it)
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