Orthographic text
1: 0:00:00
(when i go to town i stay at tamog's house, an uncle of mine)
2: 0:00:16
(yes he gives us food)
3: 0:00:23
(if i get the right amount of money i give some to him)
4: 0:00:31
(yes, i do garden work, i do odd jobs and help out. we plant food, we remove weeds)
5: 0:00:54
(so if people are there for a long time and tamog gets tired we'll make it wanbel, we'll talk about that. if we don't do any work he'll get a little annoyed, but if we do work he'll be happy. what do you do to keep him happy? we do garden work, weeding and he'll be happy. when you want to go to town do you just go, or do you phone ahead? we phone ahead and when he knows we go)