Garden interview

last edited March 10, 2023, 3:16 p.m. by Steve

1-8 Gardening & Gathering


  1. mena galas salab nog mogut ubwa, mena hyol ogoo etelig aga o wig? (do things you plant sometimes get sick?)
  2. nonn mogut ubinim eb, nonn hutam ubub igwonn o mohis esigim lub ubub iguguna? (do you plant alone or in a group?)
  3. mogut mehamonn nenim eb nagonn, honn ogoo mohis meemunum utwa wog nagand yam o wig? (do you ever pay people to do garden work for you?)
  4. honn ogoo nonn mohis wees mogut neleb igwonn, neleub mogut mohis utub igwonn ig? (do you ever do garden work and give the garden to someone else?)
  5. megite tugub yobug yot mogut ogoo palib igwonn? (how do you weeed gardens?)
  6. yobug yot pugum igu o wig? (do weeds have thorns?)
  7. menawann mogut ogoo ubub igwonn? (do you plant greens in your garden)
  8. megite ab ogoo mutol oboob nemb igwonn ig? (where do you get mushrooms?)
  9. mutol mogut ogoo ubub igwonn ig? (do you plant mushrooms in your garden?)
  10. honn ogoo mogut mean agabi isig ala, honn ogoo mean tondee ala o wig? (are there good harvests and bad harvests?)
  11. megite henee ogoo honn ogoo mogut mean hebigondo ala? (why are harvests small sometimes?)
  12. honn ogoo mogut men hebigondoo ala minee umunn o wig? (are you hungry if there is a bad harvest?)


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Interview - Alus, gardens
last edited March 10, 2023, 3:16 p.m. by Steve

    Speaker: Alus

Orthographic text

1: 0:00:00
(ilis, tas and ilam, hus, hyam, yagom get sick. salab and galas don't. what is this ilis sickness? if we plant it in good ground it will go well, if we plant it in bad ground it won't. the leaves will fall off and it'll die do you ever plant it in good ground and it gets sick and dies? if we plant it in good ground it'll be fine, if we plant it in bad ground it'll die. one one time a sickness will come)

2: 0:01:13
(if just i cut the garden just i and my wife plant. if it's a big garden with lots of people then we'll meet and plant)

3: 0:01:33
(i cut the trees, if there are still some i could hire some guys and tell them cut the trees and build a fence, i could also buy them with food)

4: 0:02:03
(added to the question - if your dad is sick would you do his garden? if my dad was sick i would do work in his garden)

5: 0:02:28
(if we want the food to grow well then we have to throw out the weeds. when the yobug bili comes up its time to harvest do you use a bush knife or your hands? we use both, we uncover the food so we can get at it)

6: 0:03:13
(no it doesn't have thorns)

7: 0:03:28
(we plant kumu in the garden, we plant and eat it)

8: 0:03:52
(mushrooms are everywhere we get semi mushrooms in the bush up in tolookum. other mushrooms are in hot places)

9: 0:04:15
(we don't plant them, they come up on their own on logs. semi mushrooms grow somewhere)

10: 0:04:35
(if we plant the garden in a good place it will grow well, if it's in a bad place the food will be little)

11: 0:04:59
(if it's small we just eat it - all the normal foods)

Interview - Ulumo, Gardens
last edited March 10, 2023, 3:16 p.m. by Steve

Orthographic text

1: 0:00:00
(yes they get sick, mena, ilis, galas, ilam, salab and hus can all get sick. some get sick some don't. do the plants die? yes the plants die. we plant somewhere else and it's fine. if sweet potato gets sick we leave it all, if yams then we take some and plant them elsewhere. we take bananas and replant them and sometimes they do well. that's what we do if it's a new garden, old gardens we take the seeds and plant them in a new garden)
2: 0:01:56
(some i cut on my own, some gardens are big and we do them together, i'll do gardens together with nambi. when we do a garden together we plant it together)
3: 0:02:24
(sometimes we work nothing. if we do it in a big group we can put a little money. we bung and put a fence, or cut trees or harvest. if it's small work i do it myself and don't put money)
4: 0:02:51
(if it's a small garden they do it themselves, big ones we gather for. me and my kids we plant it ourselves. if it's big we get mulil, olunann, their dads and nambi. we gathered together to do the bean garden. small gardens we do alone)
5: 0:03:27
(if the grass gets big and chokes the food we weed it and throw it, then the food is place clear and we eat it. we either use a machete or our hands for weeding)
6: 0:04:15
(some weeds have thorns and if they do we cut them with a stick and machete. no thorns we just remove them)
7: 0:04:41
(we plant ilam. we plant lots of other food too. he talks about beans)
8: 0:05:15
(all over, up there, down there. they grow on logs - tugalis mendee, yelinom ended, eliligat, ebebelim, mana munee, semi. do you eat all mushrooms? some are good, some are bad to eat. good ones are pulim, hot ibigut, semi mutol, onot, inengito mutol)
9: 0:06:06
(no, we don't plant them)
10: 0:06:17
(sometimes food grows big, sometimes it grows small)
11: 0:06:33
(we don't know, we just plant the food. if we plant it well the food will grow big, if we plant in a bad place the food will be bad. if the yam garden fails we eat sweet potato)
12: 0:07:23
(yes we're hungry during nobugut honn and we eat wild jungle food. things like the ooloogut - wild taro, mobogotom)

Interview - Samuel, gardens
last edited March 10, 2023, 3:16 p.m. by Steve

Orthographic text

1: 0:00:00
mena etelig igu mena etelig nom endet mena egee angunn puguminn salab egee peg ann nom angunn pugugee yam ilam hot yot aga yam etelig ebegee yam hus etelig ebegee yam ogoo ungee yam hyogom hot yot aga yam mu libigee yam nom etelig egee yam yam umog etelig oboob mu libigee yam hus umog mena mogut yogumoo omboo ilis ilis luguga yam ilis ogoo amb luguga eb igung mena mogut etelig iba eb igung nom egenn ilam luguga yam nagig waga yam

2: 0:00:40
etelig aba enn mehamonn utee mu neleb igugum om hum ogoo yot aga ogoo tolob igugum mogut sogwa neleb eb igung me umog wees omboo yab ubub igugum omoo etelig oboob igot mena mu mogut isig nomboo ogoo tolob igugum ogoo tesi hogot nemb igugund om oboob mu ubub igung

3: 0:00:58
enn heb igugum enn mena nog wig nom ennel hutam ubub igugum enn mena logooneng agamb igot nom mohis amb ogomoo teleb yoogwas eb igugum esi talasi osigim lub ubub igung mogut agabi eb amb igugum mondugwa utee talasi osigim lub ubub eb igugum esi talasi ubub igugum

4: 0:01:21
nom oo endeteng noloomung yam see om endeteng mu nang yam oo endeteng noloomung yam meemunum wog osob utub teb mehamonn nelemind yam see om endet mehamonn nom mu noloomung mu nang yam ogoo toloomung omboo meemunum mu wog heseb igung hum utee endet yog ig yogonong mehamonn a nagand nom hobol om egenn

5: 0:01:45
enn mehamonn neleb igugum yab mena mogut om mohis mu utub igugum oo endet mena henee omboo ombogum om mena enem nonn ilibo nyeb amisi teb wog nemb igu o mogut utee nem balem tolob enn ubub yab yami ogoo tolob eb igugum omoo mogut hyol omboo mononn utee ubi eb igugum esi nom ubub igugum onn om ombul mogut nom endet nom ubub igung

5: 0:02:16
nom mogut yot yobug yot nom endet ee mena ubub igugum inemb ogoo ongoo yobug ina eb igu yobug nom yab wolob igugum yobug palib igugum om mena nyo ala omboo nenembi eb igu yobug nom wolob igugum pugum yobug yot ee pugomog nom palib wees omboo pigeb igugum yobug bili nom palib wees omboo pigeb igugum nom enn mandom omboo eni pugum umee humann endeteng neleb igugum

6: 0:02:45
yobug pugumog igu his yobug ndumo ndumo yogumoo nomboo igu sepil nim hogul ndumo ndumo palib asam omboo pigeb igung om puguminn wog heb yobug nim ogul eleb nom alugutu eb igung oo om ab yombonn omboo pigitu pee ilib igung nim hot hutam omboo pigeb igung

7: 0:03:02
menawann enn mogut ogoo ubub igugum

8: 0:03:08
mutol endet mutol ab om mandeb nimendee ogoo mutol lumum egee oboob igung nom ab om tenn hum oboob igung nim mannab munee ogoo oboob igung tabalis ogoo oboob igung hus henee mutol longula omboo oboob igung mutol onnol utee semi ilum semi mutol higebi nom ologonn ab omboo semi mendee ogoo mutol oboob igung mutol om oboob igung nom egenn

9: 0:03:34
mogut ogoo mu ubub igung mutol onnol nimende om pugub igu

10: 0:03:40
mogut mena agabi egee ann agabi ala nemb igitu yab hebigondoo eleb igu hebigondoo ala wi ogot om wi ala mogut sogwa ogoo mena nemb igung

11: 0:03:55
nonnol honn utee endet nobugut honn ogoo minee umoo honn nomboo mena hebigondoo eleb igu see ogwoo igung nobugut honn ogoo igung omboo mena hebigondoo aga

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