Orthographic text
1: 0:00:00
(they look after grandkids)
2: 0:00:15
(grandkids take grand parent's names. i took my grandfather's name. this doesn't happen all the time, not every grandkid takes a grandparent's name)
3: 0:00:51
(yes grandkids give grandparents food)
4: 0:01:03
(they give food, cut gardens, put fences, build houses, do roofing, sweep and clean, cut trails, get water and fire. i did these things, i'll teach my grandkids to do the same and they'll do it too. when grandkids are big they do these things. do grandkids listen to their grandparents? yes they listen)
5: 0:02:21
(a ground house, their own house. when grandkids are big they can also sleep there. they'll sleep in their kids house, unless they've died)