Grandparents interview

last edited Feb. 8, 2023, 2:25 p.m. by Steve

2-3 Grandparents & Grandchildren


A few terrible questions on grandparents with the goal being just to get people talking because I didn't know what to ask or how.

  1. tatagum tomond nog emyab yolugund o wig? (do grandparents look after grandkids?)
  2. emyab tatugm unim oboob igugund o wig? (can grandkids take their grandpa's name?)
  3. emyab mean tatgum tomond nog utub igugund? (do grandkids give food to grandparents?)
  4. megite mehamonn emyab onn tatagum musu oboob neleb igu? (what work do grandkids do to help their grandparents?)
  5. megite tol ab tatagum inemb igu? (which house does grandad sleep in?)


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Interview - David, grandparents
last edited Feb. 8, 2023, 2:25 p.m. by Steve

Orthographic text

1: 0:00:00
(yes grandma and grandad looks after my kids)
2: 0:00:31
(yes they can take their names)
3: 0:00:56
(yes they give food to grandma)
4: 0:01:04
(when grandkids get big they fetch water, fetch firewood, they get and prepare food, but it in a bowl and give it. they go to the bush and get rats and birds. when grandkids are small grandparents look after them)
5: 0:02:46
(grounds houses and post houses, they stay in their kid's house. when grandkids are big they can live in their house too. )

Interview - Was, Grandparents
last edited Feb. 8, 2023, 2:25 p.m. by Steve

Orthographic text

1: 0:00:00 (they look after grandkids)
2: 0:00:15
(grandkids take grand parent's names. i took my grandfather's name. this doesn't happen all the time, not every grandkid takes a grandparent's name)
3: 0:00:51
(yes grandkids give grandparents food)
4: 0:01:03
(they give food, cut gardens, put fences, build houses, do roofing, sweep and clean, cut trails, get water and fire. i did these things, i'll teach my grandkids to do the same and they'll do it too. when grandkids are big they do these things. do grandkids listen to their grandparents? yes they listen)
5: 0:02:21
(a ground house, their own house. when grandkids are big they can also sleep there. they'll sleep in their kids house, unless they've died)

Interview - Soso, grandparents
last edited Feb. 8, 2023, 2:25 p.m. by Steve

Orthographic text

1: 0:00:00
tatagum tomond og emyab tolomb igugund
megite tugub tulomb igugund?
tolomb agamb mena utub egendee oboob oboogolob agamb oboob egemee eleb mandeb nog sindee yab endet igugund
2: 0:00:19
emyab ebeb nom endet tatagum unim utee emyab utub igu onn unim nom om emyab om pigeb igu wa unim tatagum unim nom emyab onn unim nom agamb igugund amb igugund
3: 0:00:38
emyab hebigondoo mena oboob tatagum tomond mu wog eb igu ambul ambul nom mena oboob tatagum tomond og oboob teb pigwasi ala tugulasi nemb igugund
4: 0:00:53
om endeteng emyab agabi eleb oboob teb endet tatagum om eb namag ala om egendee tolumb agamb igugund aga mena oboob utub yab nobug sinnasim heb ogoo tolob utub endetenn tolomb agamb igugund
5: 0:01:14
emyab tol lumuta tatagum sindee nomboo agamb igu emyab tol ab ogoo tatagum agamb igu inemb igu

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