Orthographic text
1: 0:00:00
(we go to the bush, we put a bench. when it's night we take our torches and shine them on the animals. we follow them to their holes, grab them and shoot them. we'll cut it up and make a fire. some we catch, some get away. we shoot animals in trees and they fall and we get them)
2: 0:01:14
ee molumb agann sonnoobiya nasim endet wolob igung onootool yomboo ilib onotol wondob igugum
3: 0:01:32
(yes they get them, rats. they go to their nests and whack them. sometimes they catch nothing sometimes they catch something. they hunt at dawn, when they want to eat meat)
4: 0:02:39
(yes, but he's talking about his grown up kids)
5: 0:03:10
(bow, arrows, wala?, wia from the nambis - ancestors used bamboo)
6: 0:04:01
(we go on it's trail and see one, then follow it to the water, we shoot a stone at it. for agann the tree kangaroo we look for thee ungumam tree we shoot it and get it)
7: 0:04:52
(our animals are few, kobumbua still has lots)
8: 0:05:08
(i don't know, plenty i think)
Checked words in lexicon: 57%