Interviews about electricity

last edited Nov. 14, 2022, 9:08 a.m. by Steve

1-6 Energy; Power & Fire


  1. solar mohis hyol ogoo ebemind o mohis hyol solar mu ebemind ig? (who has solar?)
  2. solar onn megitee mehamonn noloo? (what does it do?)
  3. solar megite tugub mehamonn naga yam? (how does solar work?)
  4. solar bateli tenn lomotob igu o wig? (does solar charge every battery?)
  5. electricity om megite me? (what is electricity?)
  6. nonn AC electricity o DC electricity unim migimonn? (have you heard of AC or DC?)
  7. om megite me electricity simonn yogoomoo igu? (what' inside a cable?)
  8. mohis holot peg obob igond yam, holot om ab otoloo igu o wig? (is there lighting out in the jungle?)
  9. om ab ulum megite tugub electricity nagand yam? (how is power made in town?)
  10. om Australia megite tugub electricity nagand yam? (how is power made in Australia?)
  11. mohis ab otoloo ulinam igu. mut wig, holot peg wig. mohis egee laganinn ig o wig ig? (would a man in the jungle without a torch be afraid or not?)
  12. utee honn yoog bateli wig, holot peg wig. Yoog bili tol ab iguguma o wig? (is it ok to be at home with no batteries or toches?)


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last edited Nov. 14, 2022, 9:09 a.m. by Steve

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last edited Nov. 14, 2022, 9:09 a.m. by Steve

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last edited Nov. 14, 2022, 9:09 a.m. by Steve