mut onn megite mehamonn noloo? (what work does fire do?)
mogom mut ebinn? mohis o temee? (who gets firewood, men or women?)
megitet igub mut obob igwonn ig? (when do you make a fire?)
megite ab ogoo mut pigeb igwonn ig? (where do you put firewood?)
megite ab ogoo mut nonn obob igwonn ig? (where do you get firewood?)
om ab toloo mut ebigis wi aga o wig? (does the bush get short of firewood or not?)
megite onn ogoo mut tol ab sindee eteb igwonn ig? (what time do you make a fire inside?)
megite mehamonn ogoo mut otogonn am ig? (what work do you do to make a fire? as in how do you make a fire...)
megite mehamonn nala tol ab mu egee etinn? (what work do you do to not burn down your house?)
mut eteb mehamonn noloo om mehamonn mogom? (who's work is it to make a fire?)
megitme me obob mut otogonn am ig? (what do you get to make a fire?)
nonn igubasabas megite me obob mut otot am ig? (what did your ancestors use to make a fire?)
mut yomu onn megite mehamonn noloo? (what do you do with fire ashes?)